Due to recent interest in the OSM-based DeFlock application, there have been some discussions in the name-suggestion-index repository and OSMUS Slack about how to tag a surveillance camera’s relationship to Flock Safety. As I understand it, Flock leases the camera to a law enforcement agency to install on public property; the agency uses Flock’s service to operate the equipment and use the analysis that Flock provides.
Normally, the law enforcement agency would be the operator=*
of a man_made=surveillance
feature, as they’re the ones pushing the buttons. Flock is more automated, but there’s also interest in using operator=*
for the law enforcement agency. How then should we tag Flock? Currently, both brand:wikidata=*
and operator:wikidata=*
commonly indicate Flock cameras, the latter possibly because of NSI. Otherwise, manufacturer:wikidata=*
seems to be more popular for other kinds of street furniture:
Key (Wikidata) | brand |
manufacturer |
network |
operator |
Flock cameras | 3,029 | 2 | 0 | 1,126 |
Surveillance cameras | 3,879 | 22 | 4 | 4,576 |
Traffic signals | 2 | 0 | 1 | 364 |
Street lamps | 60 | 541 | 3 | 54,555 |
Warning sirens | 1 | 689 | 0 | 1,191 |
Non-Wikidata tagging shows an even strong preference for manufacturer=*
among some feature types. The table below includes all the Flock cameras, which are dual-tagged with non-Wikidata tags, but you can see that most non-Flock cameras have manufacturer=*
on them:
Key | brand |
manufacturer |
network |
operator |
Surveillance cameras | 4,096 | 2,623 | 381 | 42,086 |
Traffic signals | 3 | 2 | 57 | 732 |
Street lamps | 68 | 2,665 | 93 | 185,330 |
Warning sirens | 1 | 5,173 | 11 | 5,464 |
Is there something that distinguishes Flock from other surveillance camera vendors? Is it the fact that the vendor handles surveillance more end-to-end?