What prevents new features from being displayed on the default OSM map?

I have just added some buildings and a couple of OSM areas in an area that was originally described as “Farm Yard”. My edits have been added to the database as they are found in the nearby features search but the buildings are not being displayed . What do I need to do to have the new buildings and features display on the map. I should add I have deleted my browser cache so it does not appear to be a browser problem.

As an example I added a restaurant in this changeset:

Changeset: 144957092

from: OpenStreetMap

I have found similar posts and a link here http://gis.638310.n2.nabble.com/Some-tiles-not-rendering-td6272745.html may have been helpful but it just returns 404 error.

Adding to my confusion I have just noticed that my edits are appearing in the CyclOSM layer:

and my edits are in as data in the OSM layer:

Thanks for reading,

Browser cache - OpenStreetMap Wiki is very likely to help you

The browser cache is a local copy of data that has been requested before, maintained by the browser itself. In the context of OpenStreetMap it is typically mentioned when someone asks “I made an edit, but it’s not shown on the map. Why?”. The typical reason is that the browser shows a cached, now outdated, version. The solution is to force clearing the cache. This results in the browser requesting the map tiles again, often resulting in showing an updated version.

this page has table showing how to clear cache on various devices

BTW, “indoor riding area” is likely not an actual name and should be tagged in description field or not at all.

Thanks for your helpful replies.

I believe that the tag leisure=horse riding was added automatically

#Mateusz, I’ll make the name → description field as you suggest.


This is what the area looks like for me in the default map - your changes seem to be showing up OK:

All sorts of things can lead to a delay in your edits showing up in the tiles. I won’t pretend I know the technical details, but usually things sort themselves out with a bit of patience.