I would like to mark a bear hang in a backcountry campground on a map but do not see a relevant category. Is there a recommended way to do this? It an arch structure with wires/pulleys that let you attach your food and hoist it up to store for the night to protect your food and the bears. Some other campgrounds utilise storage lockers.
Hi and welcome to OSM
I searched for “bear” in our Wiki and found Tag:amenity=bear_box - OpenStreetMap Wiki . In Alaska they called them “bear pole” which lead me to this Wikipedia article: Bear cache - Wikipedia
Maybe we should expand our Wiki regarding structures to protect food from animals on camp sites,
I normally use JOSM to edit OSM-data but I assume iD provides only a set of common tags as a preset. In OSM you can invent your own tag but that won’t help for data consumer to include those in their products (e.g. maps etc.).
There already is a tag describing some kind of food protection facility. Either you stick with that (even if it’s a hang not a box) or you expand the OSM-Wikipage to cover also protecting devices like poles or hangs.
It might be useful to start a general discussion here or on one of the mailing lists to hear other opinions how to tag bear_hang(s).
I decided to use:
Where some options are:
Although a wiki page for bear_box exists, I agree with @Kovoschiz that it should be rejected since it’s too specific and doesn’t consider the possibility of bear hangs.
As per this discussion: