The previous discussions here and here (a.o.) on smoothness tagging practices made it clear that there are two practices that differ in the way they interpret the “Usable by” column in the Values table. I think it’s time to start a poll to finally make an end to the divergent practices, so that a certain smoothness
value means the same worldwide and doesn’t depend on the mapper.
One interpretation focusses on the better smoothness values (down to very_bad
) and the vehicles described in the Usable by column. Thin_rollers are mentioned in the excellent column. However, such vehicles could also use the surfaces in the good
column, although with difficulty (slow down, be more attentive) and reduced comfort (thanks @Matija_Nalis for pointing this out). Similarly, the thin_wheels vehicles in the good
column could also use intermediate
surfaces though with difficulty. This approach was used by the Berlin Verkehrswende group and then by Streetcomplete when the smoothness quest was developed. @Westnordost then created the Smoothness Gallery as a result of the hard work of the StreetComplete developers. I would like to call this the “Comfortably usable” practice.
The other interpretation focusses on the phrase “Usability by a particular type of vehicle means that the vehicle can traverse the route without significant risk of damage (e.g., to vehicle undercarriage/drivetrain) or injury (e.g., by falling)” that was added to the wiki soon after the Key was approved in Nov 2008. It focusses on the worse smoothness values (from bad
and worse), where each vehicle mentioned in the “Usable by” column is required to be able to pass the way (though with care and discomfort), and a surface of the next worse smoothness column is not passable (not even with great difficulty and discomfort) by that vehicle. I would like to call this the “Just passable” practice.
The two practices diverge especially where they overlap, i.e. in the range from intermediate
to very_bad
Which practice do you think should be used to evaluate smoothness?
- Comfortably usable
- Just passable