OpenStreetMap Africa is a network of local OpenStreetMap communities from all over Africa with an intention of joining hands to share resources and collaborate to grow and produce a complete and well-detailed map of Africa on OpenStreetMap in order to advance the quality, completeness and sustainability of geospatial data in Africa. Join us as we map out Africa! About OpenStreetMap Africa - HackMD
OSM Africa brought us (African Countries) together and we share ideas, tips and knowledge on how we can utilise the data. It’s also important because we help each other map different countries.
OSM Africa is one of the biggest open portal for not only contributing to a common cause of improving geospatial data and making available for utilization, but a also a platform for us as humans to interact, build our selves and purpose towards building Africa and our local homes countries
That’s true, and thanks to communities and countries that come forth to help each other in the growth of open map data
I love to get perspectives on participating in OpenStreetMap that aren’t from North America or Europe. I appreciate that OpenStreetMap Africa makes an effort to share that experience so we can learn from and make it easier. Thanks for being here!
Thank you @iandees, hopefully, this new platform will bring more of those perspectives out.
indeed OSM African is an open community that accommodate everyone irespect of their background and it really believes in sustainability of OSM communities.
@Kateregga1 there are so many things about OSM Africa, especially on the collaboration, skills sharing and knowledge managemnt. these things has been outstanding to my side since i joined OSM Africa. it has trained me to be independent and understand better how to continue contributing to the osm data opening and willing, and always represent my community in Geospatial