What do the red, blue and sometimes green circles mean on the JOSM map

What do the red, blue and sometimes green circles mean on the JOSM map?

How can I make not appear?

Could you upload a screenshot on some platform (unfortunately no upload feature here on this forum) and post the link to it?

Thank you.

Doh, while trying to clean up the map by turning off “unnecessary” layers on the JOSM, I discovered the answer to my question.

Blue circles have to do with turn restrictions and can be turned off by turning off that layer.

Red circles have to do with missing roads and can be turned off by turning off that layer.

Layers can be turned off and on by clicking on the eyeball symbol in the second column of the Layers window.

The Layers window can be availed by clicking on the Windows tab in the top toolbar of JOSM.

Now I have to determine how to remove inappropriate restrictions.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_symbol#/media/File:ProhibitionSign2.svg is a URL of the “not enter the intersection sign.” that I am now trying to repair (remove).

Two pages that might help you with that:


Thank you.

I reread both pages. Neither offered me a clue as to the source of the mark:

An example of the situation in JOSM occurs in this map at the intersection of East Geneva Road and Western Ave in Glenn Ellyn, Illinois:

It has something to do with JOSM’s Turn Restriction Layer as switching its visibility makes the mark go away.

The mark in question resembles: https:

After RT.M is RT.S, so I have been trying to locate the image in the JOSM source code. I have not found the image yet.

I can’t even find a way to show a Turn Restriction background layer. Do you recall how you enabled that? All I have is the plugin that helps with tagging the relations, but that doesn’t add a layer.

Regardless, there aren’t any turn restrictions at that intersection, so I don’t know why it would be alerting you to a potential issue there.

Please go to JOSM program settings, to plug-in section.

Have a closer look to all plug-ins you have activated.
Is there “ImproveOSM” plugin active?
If yes, try to deactivare, and reload JOSM.


In the center of the target!

Thank you very much.