What do put down for the address if there are multiple apartment building numbers?

< Hello, I’m landedcart, and I recently started OSM. I was mapping an apartment complex, and everything was going fine, until I put down the address. There are multiple apartments in one apartment building. What do I put down for the address? Just the address of some random one?
Thanks :slight_smile:

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Welcome to OSM! The key you’re looking for is addr:flats=* for example if building 5 has 20 apartments, you mark the building as ref:5 and addr:flats=1-20.

Alright, thank you so much, but i do not know how many apartments are in one building.

If you are unsure how many apartments there are you can either go survey in the area and note how many each building has or you can omit this portion of the address. Alternatively, if neither of those sound good for you, put what you think the number is, as well as a fixme= tag describing you do not know the exact amount/numbers of apartments within the building.

Okay, I don’t want to leave any data that I CAN find out unknown, so tomorrow I will drive over to the apartments, and survey them.
Thank you so much for you help,
Landed Cart

If the building’s number is also part of the address, you can use addr:unit instead of ref.

It also depends a bit on how how the apartment building and numbering works
Here in Germany we have a lot of apartment blocks that have multiple entrances with different housenumbers (with multiple apartments attached to each)
For example

If that is the case you can add a node at each entry, tag it with entrance=main/or so and add the house number and rest of the address to each.