It should not be a surprise, see here, I started already doing so.
I did not touch the access page yet because I was doing some research on how access tags are used. This whole discussion could in my opinion use more of that, I get that some people do not like “access-keys” on barriers but that is quite academic for me unless there is an accepted alternative.
The research gave a nice find, emergency=fire_hydrant.
How are going to document that on Key:access#List of possible values?
How do we document this situation on the Wiki and explain it to new mappers and data consumers?
I think there are only a few people that want to make a systematic difference between legal access, physical access and designated use. Yes, for roads and paths it should be done based on legal access but that is logical because doing it based on physical access does not make sense.
For barriers, entrances and fords most often there are no legal limitations/sign’s but there are physical limitations so the pragmatic choice is made to use that. If there is a sign that can/should be used instead.
Another nice find from the research is that if you look at the usage stats, highway=service (in way context) has highest access count but the second one is highway=bus_stop (in node context), so highway=bus_stop + bus=yes. That is neither legal nor physical…
So yes, the access page can use improvements but I see that a smaller then the alternative of redefining the current usage, documenting that, and, the largest effort, convincing current mappers that is a good idea.
Does it really matter to data consumers that something is not accessible because of legal restrictions of physical restrictions? For data consumers, better worry about something that is much more problematic in my opinion, highway=crossing + bicycle=no, see here.