What do access tags on barriers mean?

Thanks for once more writing up what is the concern, using access tag on barrier nodes.

I know Key:access has (currently):

Access values describe legal permissions/restrictions and should follow ground truth; e.g., signage or legal ruling and not introduce guesswork. It does not describe common or typical use, even if signage is generally ignored.

But I know more than enough examples that are not following this. Only looking at nodes:

  • What do you think on bicycle=yes/no as “access-tag” on a highway=crossing? I (still) think it is a bad idea but some people think that if things are mapped for a small percentage, it is something that should be documented.
  • While for highway=crossing only 0.17% of the nodes has bicycle=no (taginfo), for barrier=bollard about a quarter has foot/bicycle= (taginfo), are we going to remove all these?
  • information=guidepost uses “access-tags” to indicate for what type of traffic the guidepost is
  • information=map uses the “access-tags” to indicate for what type of traffic the map is
  • amenity=charging_station uses the “access-tags” to indicate what types of traffic the charger supports
  • highway=traffic_signals uses the “access-tags” to indicate for what type of traffic the traffic light is

The list is a lot longer:

nodes with at least 100 times bicycle=* mapped
> ./nodes_with_bicycles.py
barrier=gate                   - 228191
highway=crossing               - 208139
barrier=bollard                - 158036
information=guidepost          - 90966
barrier=lift_gate              - 78165
barrier=cycle_barrier          - 37804
barrier=block                  - 32760
barrier=swing_gate             - 18910
information=route_marker       - 16074
barrier=entrance               - 14304
amenity=charging_station       - 12276
information=map                - 11743
highway=traffic_signals        -  8648
no_main_key                    -  7502
barrier=cattle_grid            -  7301
barrier=kerb                   -  5538
barrier=kissing_gate           -  5340
barrier=stile                  -  4815
barrier=chain                  -  3408
ford=yes                       -  2812
railway=crossing               -  2623
entrance=yes                   -  2611
highway=elevator               -  2076
barrier=turnstile              -  1693
barrier=hampshire_gate         -  1660
barrier=no                     -  1613
barrier=border_control         -  1583
barrier=sally_port             -  1375
barrier=bump_gate              -  1343
amenity=motorcycle_parking     -  1299
barrier=toll_booth             -  1200
railway=tram_crossing          -   959
barrier=yes                    -   913
railway=subway_entrance        -   769
highway=street_lamp            -   690
entrance=main                  -   597
barrier=log                    -   536
barrier=full                   -   504
highway=emergency_access_point -   442
barrier=planter                -   440
barrier=jersey_barrier         -   437
amenity=parking_entrance       -   399
information=board              -   327
highway=trailhead              -   322
barrier=wicket_gate            -   313
traffic_sign=GB:1057           -   310
barrier=full-height_turnstile  -   273
barrier=sump_buster            -   258
amenity=bicycle_parking        -   250
barrier=fence                  -   247
highway=motorway_junction      -   239
amenity=ferry_terminal         -   206
barrier=debris                 -   196
highway=give_way               -   191
railway=level_crossing         -   186
highway=turning_circle         -   181
barrier=motorcycle_barrier     -   170
barrier=sliding_beam           -   158
barrier=height_restrictor      -   149
barrier=bus_trap               -   132
highway=bus_stop               -   131
highway=stop                   -   126
traffic_sign=DE:254            -   123
traffic_sign=gb:1057           -   123
amenity=compressed_air         -   111
barrier=footgate               -   108
highway=toll_gantry            -   104

Also good that have a look at the Wiki, Key:bicycle, what links here. There are 86 Tag:key=value pages that link here.

My conclusion is that the text on Key:access is no longer valid the “access-tags” are used widespread for things that are not legal but more for designate use.

I am not against such a page but for a complete solution there needs to be also a way to tag exceptions, if the “maxwidth:physical” is wide enough for a car or too small for a typical bicycle how is that going to be tagged?

I also think the use of the “access-tags” outside legal use is too widespread to “clean it up” or are there volunteers to do so?

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