I want to try adding some bus routes in Haifa. Using only the information found on the bus stops is not very useful. But to use some websites I need them to have a compatible license. I am very new to openstreetmap and I also don’t yet speak Hebrew, so it is hard to understand, which sites I can use. I have found these resources (showing the same route):
- https://mslworld.egged.co.il/?language=en#/linenumber/0/0/4000-900/17/4000-900/2910/41303/1/-1 official egged (bus company) website. Terms of use are in Hebrew and very long.
- https://bus.gov.il/?language=en#/linenumber/0/0/4000-900/17/4000-900/2910/41303/1/-1 government website. Terms of use are in Hebrew and seem to be very limiting.
- https://www.bus.co.il/OtobusimMVC/Line_Places/1010/3_1_1585601922? some independent website with lots of ads. The Legal Notice says “The published data on the site is free for the public” but I’m not sure they actually own their data.
- https://xn–4dbclabp0e.co.il/searchRoute#/route/1:11308:0:02? by HopOn. No Terms of use are listed anywhere.
There might also be other sources I don’t know about. Could someone check the licenses and maybe even ask the data owners like bus operators and government agencies (probably in Hebrew)?