What about libraries?

I wonder if we are allowed to add Libraries - Public, School, College, and University Libraries to the Map.

Yes. Tag either a node or a building way with amenity=library. It varies around the world for private and some university libraries, though, in USA a public anything, including library, can freely enter OSM.

Depending on your editor, you might enter a specific tag, or use a “preset” (button) amenity=library.


Thank you for the swift response, which is hugely appreciated. I shall keep your input in mind while adding libraries to OSM. I raised this topic as I am one of the trained professionals in Library and Information Science.

Great to hear and good luck into the future! If I have truly offered you a solution, there might be a green checkbox (and Solution?) for you to click; thanks in advance if you do so.

Our https://wiki.osm.org is a wonderful resource, very much acts as our local encyclopedia.

Welcome to OSM!

Where should I find the green checkbox for me to respond?

I have only gotten one or two of these when I do my best to answer a question, but because I can’t “see this topic” as you do (because you are the one who started the thread topic), it might or might not (right now) show up as a green checkbox. (It should after you do, though). This community Discourse forum is still new for many of us.

It might simply be a “Solution” or “Answer” button for you to click underneath the post where my “Answer” might be.

There was only an emoji to click if one liked the post. I already clicked it. But neither do I see a Solution nor an Answer button, unfortunately.

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I think the solution button is only present for posts in the help and support category.


Yes - it’s only turned on there by default. You can also turn it on when posting elsewhere by clicking “toggle post voting” before creating a new thread.

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You can add them but tag them with access=private if they are not open to the general public.

Schools I would expect to be private, universities often allow public access to read, but not borrow books.

Have a look at the wiki at https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:amenity%3Dlibrary.

For example, I have done the following:

You can see how to find this tag (and any others) elsewhere (randomly selected > Las Vegas) with

Many thanks for the helpful replies on the solution button. I shall keep this in mind.