Wetter Application Questions

I am working on a research project with regard to Deutschland and weather (wetter). What do users in Deutschland like in weather applications? maps, interactive maps, or just temperatures and warnings? What are your favorite weather apps for your smart phones and why? any feedback will be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!


I prefer http://www.dwd.de/DE/leistungen/warnwetterapp/warnwetterapp.html

maybe this test will help you finding some answers


I use standard forecast sites ( http://donnerwetter.de/deutschland/ or http://wetter.com ), always picking the one promising the finest weather :slight_smile:


Usually Google Now, sometimes wetter.com, but mostly I just go outside. I can’t change the weather, so why should I care? I want to do something outside? Fu** you, weather, I’ll do it anyway.

Thanks for the feedback. Are there specific things you like/ dislike about specific weather apps? ie radar, maps, or just forecast. or do you like to see as much information as possible (warnings, wind speed/ direction, hourly forecast, etc)

Thanks for any/ all feedback!!