[Voting] Feature Proposal - Power Bank Rental

Voting has started for Power Bank Rental. https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposal:Power_Bank_Rental

Thank you in advance for your votes and feedback!

A mapper said in the chat gruop

要和 shop 或 amenity 合用,则 brand 很可能冲突,要加前缀,其他 operator, payment 之类同
同上,作为设施服务的一种, service:power_bank:rental 更合理?
return 有很多义项,可能也需要命名域区分
amperage 作为充电宝的属性不应附加于租借机

It means that:

  1. If the power bank tank in the shop and it needed to share the node with the shop, the tag brand= may be conflicted along with payment:xx=. For example a “怪兽充电” power bank station in FamilyMart.
  2. Use the service:power_bank:rental=* can be better.
  3. return=* is ambiguous
  4. amperage=* is not the feature of the tank or the station of power bank but is the feature of power bank itself.

In my view, I think this proposal should be polished before voting. This version of proposal can not be convinced by mappers.
I will plus them on the wikipage.

Thank you for forwarding and translating the message!
Since it’s been crossposted to the Discussion page it could be handled there to avoid duplication.

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