[Voting] Feature Proposal - open=

Voting has started for the key open=*


I’ll share my discussion topic questions here since I haven’t received any responses on the wiki yet:


  • How can you ensure verifiability for such a tag?
  • How can a mapper determine if an opening state is temporary or permanent?

As was stated on the proposal page, verifiability is a primary concern with this proposal. We explicitly state that this information should only be recorded by someone who has enough local knowledge to conclusively map this fact.

For example, I know my local train station very well, I am using it often at varying times of day and year, and I am comfortable that I could determine which doors are always open and which are not. If I am at a train station I barely know, I would (and should according to the proposal) refrain from tagging anything regarding this fact. Just as I would do with locked=.

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