Verifying Addition of POI

Hey all,
First time trying to add a POI. It seems to be in the map now, atleast by following my edit history link:

However, I cannot search it as a POI in OSMAND, nor do I see any indication that the point is there, visually, in, when it isn’t selected. IE. There is no icon to suggest that there is a POI there.
Can anyone check the POI and see if I did it correctly?

Likely you need to refresh Browser cache - OpenStreetMap Wiki

Osmand has own map data (generated from OpenStreetMap data) - and you need to update it to see new OSM changes.

Thanks, it is added!

Should it be maybe Services, not Servives?

Two small issues:

  • The phone should be in international format, including the country code
  • The website should include “https://”.

I like that (your) website includes a Mapbox map with attribution!