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Thanks for your quality check! I’ve alerted the creator of these points @Joško_Horvat about what seems to be an accidental mistake: Changeset: 153672699 | OpenStreetMap

Thank you.

Some nodes seem to be positioned at the edge of the buildings so it could be a failed (aborted, partial) building import, because JOSM first uploads nodes and then connects them with polygons.

Both changeset comment are “buildings”

Or the building poligona may have been deleted afterwards, but some nodes stayed.

The creator of the nodes (Joško Horvat) has replied on the changeset discussion. Based on their comment, I have verified that Joško Horvat’s import was “correct” insofar as it did create buildings along these nodes. The buildings (but not the nodes) have then been subsequently removed by @ChrisM4 in this changeset.

There seems to be disagreement between the two mappers about who is destroying and who is improving.

Joško Horvat’s alluded that there is an ongoing discussion about the matter, but I don’t know where this discussion in taking place, nor who is involved.

User ChrisM4 has replied to me that: “I have to admit that I’m not exactly a specialist in buildings and I don’t even deal with them in general”.
This is what he said to me on private message on osm, when I informed him that he was making mistakes when drawing buildings and how to do it correctly.
If this helps somehow…


Let’s revert #153693178 then?

I’ve just noticed that ChrisM4 has already had a community discussion about the changes in question.

I’m not sure if you would do any good with the revert of #153693178

What you would find is that many buildings would just disappear after that.

My revert wasn’t meant to do any harm, I just restored the state before Josko wiping out buildings throughout the settlements. But if that’s what you want, then of course just wipe it.