Valori di shop=* rari o non documentati

Ciao, forse ultimamente avrete notato alcune note di @Mateusz_Konieczny in Italia riguardanti valori di shop=* strani. Alcuni di questi potrebbero avere senso (e si potrebbe discuterne e documentarli in caso), ma altri sono proprio errati, ad esempio shop=tabacchi edicola (potrebbe essere shop=newsagent + tobacco=yes), shop=pastificio (potrebbe essere shop=pasta), shop=centro_scommesse (potrebbe essere shop=bookmaker), altri sono proprio errori, tipo shop=Piazza Giovanni Ventitreesimo doveva essere short_name=* ecc.

Forse alcuni non guardano le note, quindi Mateusz ha creato una pagina che raccoglie tutti questi valori in Italia a questo link: unusual_shop_values/IT
Riusciamo a sistemarli assieme?

Inoltre se cominciate a sistemarli e avete bisogno che la lista venga aggiornata date un feedback a Mateusz (che ho taggato all’inizio) così che possa capire quale progetto interessa maggiormente. In caso potrebbe anche migliorare la formattazione della pagina.


If there would be interest I can generate list with solely entries having website tag (easier remote fixing) or similar filters.

And to repeat: many such objects are valid and would benefit from documenting new shop value (or subtag of existing shop value: shop=coal may be better tagged as shop=fuel fuel=coal).

If anyone is using this list: feel free to ping in this thread. In such case I will spend some time on updating this list (maybe automatic updating) and more readable formatting.

i will start to prune the list. Will be difficult to cooperate without a sort of automatic status of the status of the note. Can we implement a template for the wiki querying the note status?

listing is now at User:Mateusz Konieczny/unusual shop values/Italy - OpenStreetMap Wiki and in a better format

I plan to update this list, so fixing things in OSM should case shops to drop from the list

remember, it is better to not edit than break data in case of tagflidling - create note if unclear. Many values should be documented as valid on wiki rather than retagged.

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Piccolo reminder visto che sono passati mesi, la lista é stata aggiornata due giorni fa, il link é sempre lo stesso: User:Mateusz Konieczny/unusual shop values/Italy - OpenStreetMap Wiki

Se qualcuno avesse tempo e voglia di controllare alcuni di questi valori é il benvenuto!


@Mateusz_Konieczny do you think shop=orthopedics could be excluded from the list?

Can it be tagged as shop=medical_supply with some subtags?

Having separate shop value for every part of medicine seems not ideal?

Or does it actually make sense to make orthopedics a separate shop value?

(posted before at Talk:Tag:shop=orthopedics - OpenStreetMap Wiki )

Someone went to the effort to raise a wiki with graphics, ah it was you, and it makes perfect sense to me, can point to at least half a dozen just in my town, more in the greater area though only 2 have actually been mapped at all. shop=orthopedics | Tags | OpenStreetMap Taginfo
Any other ‘medical’ supply I’d go the farmacia or parafarmacia (both are here MSAL licensed here.)

Should be done now. See

As this list should list “shops of values not documented anywhere” not “shop values not liked by Mateusz Konieczny”