Utilizing Sentinel-2 L2A Imagery with WMS Tiles in iD

Hello everyone,

I hope you’re doing well. I have a specific request and would greatly appreciate your assistance in using WMS tiles with the latest Sentinel-2 L2A imagery.

I’m working on integrating Sentinel-2 L2A imagery into my OSM mapping projects to ensure up-to-date data. However, I’m facing challenges in effectively implementing WMS tiles for this purpose. Could you please provide step-by-step guidance on how to configure WMS settings in the iD Editor to access and display Sentinel-2 L2A imagery correctly? Specifically, I am looking for instructions on the required parameters, such as base URL and layer specifications.

Thank you for your time and support. I eagerly await your valuable insights.

Here is a pertinent website that I would like to seamlessly integrate into iD Editor.


From the wiki page for Sentinel 2:

The following links are for preview only and are not licensed for OSM use.

So that particular tile source is not usable for OSM.

That wiki page does mention a cloudless version that can be used in OSM, if that’s not recent enough then the usual route is to download the data direct from the Copernicus site and generate your own tiles.

This isn’t too difficult using QGIS to generate the tiles and JOSM to do the editing, but I don’t know how to convince iD to read local files.


Most of the answers in Community focus on restricting and prohibiting the use of certain resources for mapping in OSM but not on possible solutions to use the same data.
An alternative solution to Sentinel Hub is to use the same images via EOS LandViewer, they also generate wms links, download geotiff to use in JOSM or use the EOS API.
Since the question is related to the use of Sentinel in OSM ID I would say that=

  1. Create a MapBox account and a EOS LandViewer account.
  2. Find a nice cloudless area in EOS LandViewer, download the GeoTiff.
  3. Go to MapBox Studio and create a new dataset, upload the GeoTiff and serve as TMS url to link in OSM ID.

P.S. The wms urls to link to OSM ID must be configured differently than what is done with most wms linking tools.

It is made up of the base URL and the parameters to make it possible to see in OSM ID.

Base URL=


To take into account =
&layers=xxx refers to one of the layers present in the wms, in this case “mapnik”, the layers are obtained by checking the capabilities of the wms, this is done by adding the parameters “request=GetCapabilities&service=WMS” to the Base URL of the wms =

P.S.2 It should be noted that although OSM does not allow the use of Sentinel Hub PlayGround or Sentinel Hub EO Browser which are web platforms, it does not say anything about your Sentinel Hub account in which you can generate wms to link to OSM ID.
And with that in mind I’m going to use my wms URL (one month Sentinel-Hub account) to show you the configuration=

wms url=

You must use your own token.

P.S.3 For the purposes of claims and prohibitionist comments from readers of this thread = “I only linked the Sentinel wms URL to OSM-ID, I DID NOT USE ANY SENTINEL IMAGE TO MAP”

P.S.4 You are responsible for checking if the images from your Sentinel account can be used for mapping in OSM, I just show you the process, the rest is up to you.

Sentinel in OSM-ID

I don’t know how to convince iD to read local files.

You can upload your own renders to Mapbox or use geoserver locally (may need to configure a local domain) User:Ff5722/How to create and host tilesets from GeoTIFF images - OpenStreetMap Wiki

Hi, the wiki page mentioned by InsertUser has been updated, it now covers both licensing and accessing the WMS/WMTS services: Sentinel-2 - OpenStreetMap Wiki