Using the map for a college project

I’m currently working on an annual project at the college. I would like to ask if there is any way to transfer information (i.e., state border markings) from this site to create your own, but within the framework of the project? The theme of the project, if anyone is interested, is “unrecognized territories on the modern political map.” Consequently, I need to mark the borders of these very territories. Can I somehow import them from here to the Yandex platform? Map constructor? And will it be legal?

Please see the wiki page on Disputed territories. The tagging of these is not uniform and you might have to deal with the cases differently depending on how they are mapped.

To show disputed territories on a map, the easiest way is probably to extract the borders in GeoJSON format from OSM and upload them onto a mapping platform. I couldn’t find out if Yandex Map Constructor supports that. If not, I can recommend uMap.

There are different ways to extract disputed territories’ borders as GeoJSON.

OSM-Boundaries allows you to download administrative boundaries in GeoJSON format.

Sometimes if two states claim the same area, they will simply be mapped as overlapping areas. In this case you need to download both states and then e.g. extract the intersection area.

In other cases the disputed area may be an own entity. E.g. Abkhazia can be found on admin-level 3 under Georgia admin-level 2.

Another way to download the data as GeoJSON is Overpass Turbo.

If you’re lucky, OSM already contains the area you want as its own relation. You might find the relation ID in the first link. In this case, insert the ID into a query like this:

out geom;

Then go to Export to download the data.

Finally, about the legality: From OSM’s point of view it will probably be legal. See Copyright and License | OpenStreetMap. If you create maps out of the data, you just need to credit OSM. If you modify and publish the raw data, it needs to be under the same license.

Some countries have laws that restrict what can be shown on maps. Please check your local legislation. You might need a license to publish any map at all. Some countries only allow their “official” view regarding disputed borders to be published. And finally there may be restrictions regarding accuracy or showing objects of military concern.