The user @saldenisov imports lots of names of prisons all around the world from official websites with sometimes unclear licencing for his personal project. See the german thread Gefängnisse in Deutschland, wo sind sie?
It looks like he has no feeling as to why licencing is important. But, they answered in the forum and also to the old changeset-comments as well.
Oh yes, thank you, I just noticed he was active in all of Italy and other places in Europe as well, and has apparently “normalized” all data related to prisons with some official datasets about prisons.
For what it’s worth, it’s probably correct, if official-sounding (and likely imported from somewhere). Based on a casual Google search and my basic knowledge or Russian,
ФКУ «СИЗО № 1 ГУФСИН России по Красноярскому краю»
stands for, roughly,
“Federal penitentiary unit” - “Service for conducting prison sanctions” No. 1 “General Management of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in Krasnoyarsky krai”.
It looks correct, but it wasn’t discussed (didn’t follow mandatory process), it seems at least some of the sources are not compatible, and replacing the long-standing community developed best “name” with an official version is not acceptable. There is official_name for such longish variants. Name should be the common name. Even when adding the officially sourced name to name, additional names would often have to be kept and not removed.
It also isn’t clear how old the data is.
Locally 2 new prison nodes have been added inside an existing prison, it could be true, or maybe they are sections. The name for the whole area (which constitutes its own quarter in the city) was changed to something that seems to be referring to another section rather than the whole compound.
They have also been removing Wikipedia and wikidata tags.
The name and name:en tags are also different in many cases which is odd in an English speaking region. They are possibly adding the official name in the name:en tag.
In general it looks like well intentioned but not discussed import ( see Import/Guidelines - OpenStreetMap Wiki ) that went wrong way (removing valid tags, putting official name where common name is, possible problematic license).
The reason is that without deleting it, I do not know how to update the name of the prison according to the official website. I use OpenStreetMap for searching geo positions of worlds’ prisons"Prisons in Hungary | Kaggle".
I wanted to address the recent discussions around my contributions to OpenStreetMap (OSM) and clarify my approach.
To be transparent:
I sourced information for prison names exclusively from official prison websites or state prison services to ensure accuracy.
I refrain from altering prison names and instead focus on updating the official name tag while providing a link to the source.
As of today, I’ve decided to discontinue modifying prison names on OSM. Moving forward, my project will progress without my individual updates, as I lack the means to verify licenses and obtain permissions.
I will, however, persist in updating my Kaggle dataset and sharing updates with local groups on OSM forum. Should anyone wish to utilize my data for updates, I would be delighted. If not, I understand – such is life.
I could not find a specific license for this data, but there is a general copyright disclaimer which says all rights reserved, transgressions will be persecuted:
I contenuti del sito - codice di script, grafica, testi, tabelle, immagini, suoni e ogni altra informazione disponibile in qualunque forma - sono protetti ai sensi della normativa in tema di opere dell’ingegno. Ogni prodotto o società menzionati in questo sito sono marchi dei rispettivi proprietari o titolari e possono essere protetti da brevetti e/o copyright concessi o registrati dalle autorità preposte.
Qualsiasi forma di link al presente Sito, se inserita da soggetti terzi, non deve recare danno all’immagine ed alle attività del Ministero della giustizia.
È vietato il cd. “deep linking” inteso come utilizzo non trasparente, su siti di soggetti terzi, di parti del sito.
Eventuali violazioni saranno perseguite nelle competenti sedi giudiziarie.
I think you should first either remove the data that you have already
imported from sources without a compatible license, or try to get
approval from the copyright holders to import their data into OSM
under the terms of the ODbL and Contributor Terms. As is we may have
to revert many of contributions if we cannot get the licenses
documented for these past imports.