Uploading shape file from JOSM to OSM

During the last 40 years I have made a large system of walking paths, which I maintain.
I am now walking along the the paths with my precision data logger Columbus P10, at least 2 times on each path.
I am uploading the result to my QGIS map, where I use the GNSS-tracks to draw the walking path as accurate as possible.
Now I have done this for the western part of the system of my walking tracks.
I have copied these paths to a shape-file, which I opened in JOSM.
From JOSM I have importet the tracks into OSM. I know it is discouraged, but it revolves around very many very accurate track (this time 45 tracks). It will take exorbitant long time to to draw over them in JOSM.
But the paths are not shown on OSM. What can I do ?

Hello, and welcome back to OSM.

Unfortunately, there’s no easy way to import data to OSM. You see, it’s not just a map where you draw things on top of one another, it’s a database of connected stuff.

You have to connect your paths to the existing network, apply relevant tags, etc. Routers will use the data in some ways, renderer in others…

It seems the data you have already imported have tags kind of like OSM, but not quite, that’s why nothing is showing up on the map, and it’s useless to routers.

The first step might be to upload your tracks as “GPS tracks” in OSM, it will then be available to other mappers as a guide, to know that something is there.

Then when you could share your data here, or somewhere, and have someone fluent with OSM to do the importing. I could do it if you like, but I’m far away, and don’t know at all your area. Someone local would be better.

Or you can do it yourself. You don’t have to draw everything over, but you need to adapt your data to the OSM scheme.

  • Import your data in JOSM,
  • transform all the tags to OSM conventions (highway=path is the main one, you might want to check access, surface, smoothness and others),
  • clean up irrelevant tags (code, fid),
  • check connectivity with the existing network and between your paths,
  • run the JOSM validator and correct any error,
  • before uploading.

The learning curve for good tagging is a bit steep, but with the wiki and JOSM presets, it’s not that bad.

Please ask if you need help or more details on any step.


Hi H@mlet
Thank you for your mail.

During the last 40 years I have made a large system of walking paths, which I maintain.
I am now walking along the the paths with my precision GNSS data logger Columbus P-10 Pro, at least 2 times on each path.
I am uploading the results to my QGIS map, where I use the GNSS-tracks to draw the walking path as accurate as possible.
Now I have done this for the western part of my system of walking tracks.
I have copied these paths to a shape-file, which I opened in JOSM.
Today I have

  1. zoomed as much as possible on all the junctions, and made them meet as close as possible.
  2. studied the tags for OpenStreetMap Presets Heighway and inserted tags to all my data
  3. uploaded the revised layer into OSM.

Leif Birch

Hi H@mlet
Thank you very much for your help, which has been extremely helpful for me.
I didn’t know the tool “Merge Nodes”, that can do the the job.
I know there is missing a track, where you pointed out. It will come later, when I have measured it with my data logger.
Leif Birch