Updates from OpenStreetMap US - A Thread

Hello everyone!

The OSM US team will test out using this thread to provide regular updates regarding events, elections, new blog posts, and other things that you all might find interesting. Please feel free to provide any feedback as we transition to the new forum and ask questions on anything we post!

Maggie & the team at OSM US


Nominations for the OSM US Board are open! More info about how to vote or run for the board in this blog post.

Call for Proposals for State of the Map US 2023 now open! More in this blog post.


The OpenStreetMap US team is gearing up for State of the Map US 2023 in Richmond, Virginia from June 8-11th. Please visit https://2023.stateofthemap.us/ to learn more about
:nerd_face: scholarships
:tickets: early bird tickets
:mega: call for speakers
:star: sponsorship opportunities


:partying_face: Thanks to all of the members who voted for the OpenStreetMap US board! The results are in: OpenStreetMap US 2023 Board Election Results | OpenStreetMap US


Learn about efforts to improve rail safety in this guest blog post featuring our outgoing board president, Minh Nguyá»…n: Mappers answer the call to improve rail safety | OpenStreetMap US


MapRoulette has joined OpenStreetMap US as a charter project! Learn more about the project and ways to get involved:
charter welcome (300 Ă— 250 px) (1)


:mega: Announcing program tracks (in addition to our general programming) for #SOTMUS2023:
:arrow_right: Civic Tech
:arrow_right: Recreation
:arrow_right: Tools & Data
:arrow_right: Equity & Inclusion

Get inspired by these topics and submit your presentation proposal by March 26: State of the Map US 2023: Call for Speakers @ Sessionize.com

:mega: Get the #SOTMUS skinny in our latest update: http://bit.ly/sotmus2023update2

Share your mapping project, work, tools, or tips at #SOTMUS2023. In addition to our general programming, We have four tracks to inspire your submission:
:eight_pointed_black_star: Civic Tech
:eight_pointed_black_star: Recreation
:eight_pointed_black_star: Tools & Data
:eight_pointed_black_star: Equity & Inclusion

:link: https://buff.ly/3D9oUGY

We are excited to announce our keynote, Dr. Jeremy Hoffman who will be presenting his work on the geography of climate inequity. Read more in our latest #SOTMUS update: https://bit.ly/SOTMUS2023_update3

If you missed last month’s Mappy Hour or just wanna watch the replay, check out the recording here: OpenStreetMap US Mappy Hours 2023 - YouTube. A big thank you to Wille Marcel who shared his OSMCha expertise.

:mega: The State of the Map US 2023 schedule is live! Read our latest update for more details: https://bit.ly/SOTMUS2023_schedule

Join us for our next Mappy Hour, Wednesday, May 17th at 8 pm ET! Brian Sperlongano will share experiences and practical insights gained from building and growing the OSM Americana project. Register:OpenStreetMap US

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Calling advanced mappers! Help us map Vermont roads and waterways affected by severe flooding: OSMUS Tasking Manager

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This week the OpenStreetMap US team is sharing important mapping tasks organized by Geopathways in response to the Maui wildfires. Follow this link to access the tasks and the other 2023 Disaster Risk Resilience mapping projects Geopathways has organized: OSMUS Tasking Manager

Mappy Hour is back! And you don’t want to miss this presentation: “Identifying Gaps in OSM for Disaster Resilience.” UVA Data Science graduate students will share their capstone work aimed at solving the challenge of lower data quality after reactive mapping contributions in times of crisis. Learn how students used disaster risk data sets to rank priority areas of the U.S. by completeness in OSM, resulting in an interactive dashboard. Register: OpenStreetMap US


:nerd_face: Read the OpenStreetMap US August newsletter here: https://openstreetmap.app.neoncrm.com/np/viewEmail.jsp?linkId=56926

Please read our latest blog post, A Look Back on State of the Map US 2023 A look back on State of the Map US 2023! | OpenStreetMap US

Presentations from SOTMUS talks are being uploaded and are available here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqjPa29lMiE3tyAbcczNlbCXK0ws8qwj0

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The OpenStreetMap US August Mappy Hour recording is available: