Unusual and not documented shop values in Indonesia

I created listing of unusual and not documented shop values, maybe it will be useful for mappers: User:Mateusz Konieczny/unusual shop values/Indonesia - OpenStreetMap Wiki

Note that “unusual and not documented” does not mean “wrong” - many should be simply documented.

Some may be fixable remotely:

  • clear typos (shop=suupermarket)
  • written in language other than English but with clear mapping to local language (for example shop selling meat in Polish is “mięsny”, so shop=mięsny is clearly shop=butcher)
  • too specialized tags (shop=coal is better tagged as shop=fuel fuel=coal, shop=office_furniture as shop=furniture furniture=office, shop=indian_spices as shop=spices cuisine=indian)
  • very clear duplicates (shop=hypermarket vs shop=supermarket)
  • shop with website, maybe even linked in OSM object, that allows establishing proper value of shop tag - it is also worth adding website tag
  • in some cases something is clearly not a shop (shop=factory_producing_widgets is likely man_made=works)
  • needed and valid shop value that should be documented at OSM wiki

Some may require resurvey, if one is luckily in your area you can check it. Or you can create a note and wait for local mapper to resurvey it.
Contacting original mapper may make sense.

Remember, it is better to not edit than break data in case of tagflidling - create note if unclear or unsure.

Let me know if this list is useful but outdated (I will setup refreshing it in such case) or pointless/problematic (I can delete it if it is causing more problems than benefits).

Some improvements can be made to this list… Mayvbe mark cases with nearby notes opened already so these can be skipped for now? And mark cases where website link is available so these can be processed first?
Cases on "entries from list of suspicious ones: " list can get explanations why this values are treated as invalid. Maybe more.

(helping here is useful as it allows to reduce number of not needed and pointless top-level shop values, on 2023-08-14 we had 11 215 distinct shop values, vast majority bogus, broken or not needed. Reviewing such lists also allows us to spot missing shop values, problems with documentation and presets. Repeated appearance of shop value may indicate that wiki or presets should be improved. Maybe iD translation is bad or requires additional aliases for easier search? Maybe OSM wiki would benefit from translating it to local language or being more clear?)

(I can also generate such listing for other areas, let me know if someone is interested)


Hi @Mateusz_Konieczny, I appreciate you sharing these unusual shop values.

I’ve already looked over this list, and I believe I can fix certain tags, such warung, hero, and sogo pusat_perbelanjaan.

Hero and Sogo is the name of the supermarket in Indonesia; “warung” means “small convenience” and “pusat perbelanjaan” means “supermarket” in Bahasa. Perhaps I’ll try to fix the others.

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Good luck, sounds similar to case of shop=mięsny in Poland!

Though I cannot judge is cases you mention are very obvious and clear - if case is not fully clear then asking original mapper/checking website of shop/opening note would be a good idea.

I plan to rerun list update, but feel free to ask for manual update.

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Great! waiting for the update

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User:Mateusz Konieczny/unusual shop values/Indonesia - OpenStreetMap Wiki should be now updated

I also improved/fixed listing so it lists more cases than before

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are you interested especially in some specific part of Indonesia? Turns out that there are so many shops mapped there that Overpass query very often fails (today it failed so many times that update has not managed to complete)

I plan to scan only one of parts of Indonesia for start.

PS Congratulations on mapping so many shops!

No, I don’t. I’m just checking in a random part of Indonesia. but you can try Java Island such as West Java or Central Java, a lot of mappers doing mapping in this area

Should we formally propose a new tag for each undocumented tag found here, or perhaps just a single wiki page describing everything would suffice?

Also, currently I can’t access that link (too large too generate).

User:Mateusz Konieczny/unusual shop values/Indonesia - OpenStreetMap Wiki was modified to link not just general listing at User:Mateusz Konieczny/unusual shop values - OpenStreetMap Wiki but also




it is possible to formally propose all tags, but in case of clear values you can just document existing use, see Creating a page describing key or value - OpenStreetMap Wiki

You can also document tag and create thread asking for review at Tagging general discussion - OpenStreetMap Community Forum - which both gets you review and does not take a lot of time

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So, I queried the Qlever OSMPlanet SPARQL endpoint with this query :

PREFIX geo: <http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#>
PREFIX osmkey: <https://www.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:>
PREFIX ogc: <http://www.opengis.net/rdf#>
PREFIX osmrel: <https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/>
SELECT ?shopkey WHERE {
  osmrel:304751 ogc:sfContains ?osm_id .
  ?osm_id osmkey:shop ?shopkey .

Where 304751 is relation boundary for Indonesia.

Then, I downloaded the entire result as a CSV file. Open it by using Excel, then copy-paste the entire column as a simple plaintext file. Then, process it by using this python script.

from collections import Counter
file = open('shoptag_plaintext','r')
c = Counter()
nya = []
while True:
	l = file.readline()
	if not l:
c = Counter(nya)
for i in c.most_common():

Here is the result :

convenience 8758
kiosk 4773
supermarket 3415
yes 2409
clothes 2097
car_repair 1165
mobile_phone 1112
bakery 1065
mall 918
hairdresser 880
motorcycle 877
hardware 871
car 835
laundry 737
variety_store 663
copyshop 636
furniture 618
travel_agency 610
electronics 567
greengrocer 556
beauty 484
general 441
gift 408
motorcycle_repair 408
doityourself 391
department_store 389
ticket 366
computer 343
massage 337
books 323
stationery 296
bicycle 289
jewelry 276
coffee 262
shoes 260
car_parts 259
frame 242
tyres 239
seafood 237
pet 232
optician 232
sports 216
outdoor 193
tailor 180
florist 176
pawnbroker 176
marketplace 169
photo 164
houseware 163
art 158
toys 151
butcher 141
cosmetics 134
chemist 134
garden_centre 123
food 118
building_materials 111
boutique 111
water 105
beverages 104
fabric 102
pastry 95
paint 93
tattoo 92
confectionery 81
baby_goods 78
gas 77
trade 76
scuba_diving 75
interior_decoration 67
funeral_directors 66
perfumery 64
wholesale 58
agrarian 57
farm 52
bag 51
fashion_accessories 49
craft 46
electrical 46
music 46
alcohol 42
printing 40
fashion 40
medical_supply 39
frozen_food 39
e-cigarette 36
kitchen 36
musical_instrument 36
accessories 35
herbalist 33
fishing 33
deli 33
grocery 31
no 31
watches 27
antiques 27
repair 26
religion 26
tea 25
video_games 25
radiotechnics 24
tobacco 22
rental 22
vacant 21
bed 20
salon 18
newsagent 18
dry_cleaning 18
tiles 17
bookmaker 17
curtain 17
dairy 17
leather 17
lighting 16
appliance 16
motorcycle_parts 15
telecommunication 15
storage_rental 15
carpet 15
model 14
hifi 13
video 13
wine 13
market 12
party 11
mobil 11
second_hand 11
money_lender 11
security 11
chocolate 10
pet_grooming 10
souvenir 9
health_food 9
organic 9
pottery 9
spare_parts 8
internet 8
camera 8
drugstore 8
sewing 7
printer_ink 7
photo_studio 7
household_linen 7
rice 6
bathroom_furnishing 5
outpost 5
plumbing 5
glass 4
cell_phones 4
fuel 4
estate_agent 4
weapons 4
plastic 4
glaziery 4
local market 4
swimming_pool 4
games 3
cheese 3
ice_cream 3
spices 3
locksmith 3
fishmonger 3
surf 3
general_store 3
minimarket 3
shopping_centre 3
motorcycle_rental 3
catalogue 3
country_store 3
retail 3
hobby 3
kios 3
convenience,greengrocer,hardware,furniture,bakery,butcher,clothes,shoes,sports,fabric,electronics 3
fish 2
fireworks 2
erotic 2
money_transfer 2
sadewa77 2
anime 2
safety goods 2
fruits 2
dive 2
boat 2
water_sports 2
cell phone credit shop 2
bahan bangunan 2
collector 2
doors 2
snack 2
flooring 2
traditional_market 2
Alat_Rumah_Tangga 2
Toko_Perlengkapan_Rumah 2
Toko_Ponsel 2
vacuum_cleaner 2
building 1
power_tools 1
motorsports 1
hotel 1
cigarettes 1
fotocopy and Printing 1
eggs 1
soybean 1
ice_crea 1
golf 1
Alpha Computer 1
bahan_bangunan 1
vehicles 1
bicycle_repair 1
plant 1
military_surplus 1
esoteric 1
Keyboard 1
vermak jeans 1
ExtraQilo #39 laundry 1
household 1
sofa 1
Sofa 1
Bengkel_dan_Jual_Suku_Cadang_Motor 1
Toserba 1
fertilizer 1
Swalayan A 1
keys 1
cargo 1
mart 1
living 1
adventure 1
plastic,_advertising,_acrylic,_design 1
tools 1
Cheese_&_Yogurt 1
karaoke 1
safety_equipment 1
duty_free 1
penyewaan outdoor 1
Toko Kanaan 1
fruit 1
Kantor_Pemasaran 1
plant nursery 1
charity 1
hero 1
sogo 1
Jual Spare part 1
health 1
building_materials_shop 1
watches and dolls 1
Pond_fish_supplier 1
ship_chandler 1
Cellullar 1
disused:supermarket 1
wifi 1
Niagara Swalayan 1
Distributor Minuman dan Makana 1
tractor_dealership 1
garden_furniture 1
print shop 1
sembako 1
cannabis 1
Olshop 1
Birds Shop 1
Toko_Makanan_Laut_Kering 1
local_market 1
office_supplies 1
publisher 1
pest_control 1
bakery_supplies,milkshake_supplies 1
household_cleaner 1
shoe_repair 1
exchange 1
warung teras 1
rizky cell 1
nutrition_supplements 1
candy 1
barber 1
South Tapanuli, North Sumatra, Indonesia 1
pusat_perbelanjaan 1
window_blind 1
baja 1
b 1
lottery 1
medical 1
nuts 1
fireplace 1
Day Spa 1
Indomaret 1
clock 1
Service_Center 1
Kopkun 1
wet market 1
warung 1
Fried_Banana 1
Counter HP 1
helmet 1
fishing instead 1
pharmacy 1
Ruko 1
alat_rumah_tangga 1
sticker_workshop 1
construction 1
smartphone 1
tractors 1
Toko_Alat_Tulis_Kantor 1
Pusat_Perbelanjaan 1

The entirety of shop=* tag in Indonesia.

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nice, for initial cleanup maybe reverting order on list would be nice to put 1-use values first?

(and in general filter-out documented values, I can do this if anyone is interested in lists wider than what linked above)

import requests
from collections import Counter
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

file = open('driver','r')
c = Counter()
nya = []
while True:
	l = file.readline()
	if not l:
c = Counter(nya)

for i in c.most_common()[::-1]:
	isDone = False
	nya = i[0].strip()
	uri = f"https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/w/api.php?action=query&titles=Tag:shop%3D{nya}&format=xml"
	response = requests.get(uri)
	if response.status_code == 200:
		xml_data = response.content
		root = ET.fromstring(xml_data)
		for z in root:
			for j in z:
				for k in j:
					if k.tag == "page" and not isDone:
						for ke,va in k.attrib.items():
							if ke == "_idx" and va == "-1":
								print(f"{nya} | {i[1]} | Undocumented")
								print(f"[{nya}](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:shop%3D{nya}) | {i[1]} | Documented")
							isDone = True

Tag n Status
Pusat_Perbelanjaan 1 Undocumented
Toko_Alat_Tulis_Kantor 1 Undocumented
tractors 1 Undocumented
BANGUNAN 1 Undocumented
smartphone 1 Undocumented
construction 1 Undocumented
sticker_workshop 1 Undocumented
alat_rumah_tangga 1 Undocumented
Ruko 1 Undocumented
pharmacy 1 Documented
fishing instead 1 Undocumented
helmet 1 Undocumented
Counter HP 1 Undocumented
Fried_Banana 1 Undocumented
warung 1 Undocumented
wet market 1 Undocumented
Kopkun 1 Undocumented
Service_Center 1 Undocumented
clock 1 Undocumented
Indomaret 1 Undocumented
Day Spa 1 Undocumented
fireplace 1 Documented
nuts 1 Documented
medical 1 Documented
lottery 1 Documented
b 1 Undocumented
baja 1 Undocumented
window_blind 1 Documented
pusat_perbelanjaan 1 Undocumented
South Tapanuli, North Sumatra, Indonesia 1 Undocumented
barber 1 Undocumented
candy 1 Undocumented
nutrition_supplements 1 Documented
rizky cell 1 Undocumented
warung teras 1 Undocumented
exchange 1 Undocumented
shoe_repair 1 Documented
household_cleaner 1 Undocumented
bakery_supplies,milkshake_supplies 1 Undocumented
pest_control 1 Documented
publisher 1 Undocumented
office_supplies 1 Documented
local_market 1 Undocumented
Toko_Makanan_Laut_Kering 1 Undocumented
Birds Shop 1 Undocumented
Olshop 1 Undocumented
cannabis 1 Documented
sembako 1 Undocumented
print shop 1 Undocumented
garden_furniture 1 Documented
tractor_dealership 1 Undocumented
Distributor Minuman dan Makana 1 Undocumented
Niagara Swalayan 1 Undocumented
wifi 1 Undocumented
disused:supermarket 1 Undocumented
Cellullar 1 Undocumented
ship_chandler 1 Documented
Pond_fish_supplier 1 Undocumented
watches and dolls 1 Undocumented
building_materials_shop 1 Undocumented
health 1 Documented
Jual Spare part 1 Undocumented
sogo 1 Undocumented
hero 1 Undocumented
charity 1 Documented
plant nursery 1 Undocumented
Kantor_Pemasaran 1 Undocumented
fruit 1 Undocumented
Toko Kanaan 1 Undocumented
penyewaan outdoor 1 Undocumented
duty_free 1 Undocumented
safety_equipment 1 Documented
karaoke 1 Undocumented
Cheese_&_Yogurt 1 Undocumented
tools 1 Documented
plastic,_advertising,_acrylic,_design 1 Undocumented
adventure 1 Undocumented
living 1 Undocumented
mart 1 Undocumented
cargo 1 Undocumented
keys 1 Undocumented
Swalayan A 1 Undocumented
fertilizer 1 Undocumented
Toserba 1 Undocumented
Bengkel_dan_Jual_Suku_Cadang_Motor 1 Undocumented
Sofa 1 Undocumented
sofa 1 Undocumented
household 1 Undocumented
vermak jeans 1 Undocumented
Keyboard 1 Undocumented
esoteric 1 Documented
military_surplus 1 Documented
plant 1 Undocumented
bicycle_repair 1 Documented
vehicles 1 Documented
bahan_bangunan 1 Undocumented
Alpha Computer 1 Undocumented
golf 1 Documented
ice_crea 1 Undocumented
soybean 1 Undocumented
eggs 1 Documented
fotocopy and Printing 1 Undocumented
cigarettes 1 Undocumented
hotel 1 Undocumented
motorsports 1 Documented
power_tools 1 Documented
building 1 Undocumented
vacuum_cleaner 2 Documented
Toko_Ponsel 2 Undocumented
Toko_Perlengkapan_Rumah 2 Undocumented
Alat_Rumah_Tangga 2 Undocumented
traditional_market 2 Undocumented
flooring 2 Documented
snack 2 Documented
doors 2 Documented
collector 2 Documented
bahan bangunan 2 Undocumented
cell phone credit shop 2 Undocumented
water_sports 2 Documented
boat 2 Documented
dive 2 Documented
fruits 2 Undocumented
safety goods 2 Undocumented
anime 2 Documented
sadewa77 2 Undocumented
money_transfer 2 Undocumented
erotic 2 Documented
fireworks 2 Documented
fish 2 Documented
convenience,greengrocer,hardware,furniture,bakery,butcher,clothes,shoes,sports,fabric,electronics 3 Undocumented
kios 3 Undocumented
hobby 3 Documented
retail 3 Undocumented
country_store 3 Documented
catalogue 3 Documented
motorcycle_rental 3 Undocumented
shopping_centre 3 Documented
minimarket 3 Undocumented
general_store 3 Documented
surf 3 Documented
fishmonger 3 Documented
locksmith 3 Documented
spices 3 Documented
ice_cream 3 Documented
cheese 3 Documented
games 3 Documented
swimming_pool 4 Documented
local market 4 Undocumented
glaziery 4 Documented
plastic 4 Undocumented
weapons 4 Documented
estate_agent 4 Documented
fuel 4 Documented
cell_phones 4 Documented
glass 4 Documented
plumbing 5 Undocumented
outpost 5 Documented
bathroom_furnishing 5 Documented
rice 6 Documented
household_linen 7 Documented
photo_studio 7 Documented
printer_ink 7 Documented
sewing 7 Documented
drugstore 8 Undocumented
camera 8 Documented
internet 8 Undocumented
spare_parts 8 Documented
pottery 9 Documented
organic 9 Documented
health_food 9 Documented
souvenir 9 Documented
pet_grooming 10 Documented
chocolate 10 Documented
security 11 Documented
money_lender 11 Documented
second_hand 11 Documented
mobil 11 Undocumented
party 11 Documented
market 12 Undocumented
wine 13 Documented
video 13 Documented
hifi 13 Documented
model 14 Documented
carpet 15 Documented
storage_rental 15 Documented
telecommunication 15 Documented
motorcycle_parts 15 Documented
appliance 16 Documented
lighting 16 Documented
leather 17 Documented
dairy 17 Documented
curtain 17 Documented
bookmaker 17 Documented
tiles 17 Documented
dry_cleaning 18 Documented
newsagent 18 Documented
salon 18 Documented
bed 20 Documented
vacant 21 Documented
rental 22 Documented
tobacco 22 Documented
radiotechnics 24 Documented
video_games 25 Documented
tea 25 Documented
religion 26 Documented
repair 26 Documented
antiques 27 Documented
watches 27 Documented
no 31 Documented
grocery 31 Documented
deli 33 Documented
fishing 33 Documented
herbalist 33 Documented
accessories 35 Documented
musical_instrument 36 Documented
kitchen 36 Documented
e-cigarette 36 Documented
frozen_food 39 Documented
medical_supply 39 Documented
fashion 40 Documented
printing 40 Documented
alcohol 42 Documented
music 46 Documented
electrical 46 Documented
craft 46 Documented
fashion_accessories 49 Documented
bag 51 Documented
farm 52 Documented
agrarian 57 Documented
wholesale 58 Documented
perfumery 64 Documented
funeral_directors 66 Documented
interior_decoration 67 Documented
scuba_diving 75 Documented
trade 76 Documented
gas 77 Documented
baby_goods 78 Documented
confectionery 81 Documented
tattoo 92 Documented
paint 93 Documented
pastry 95 Documented
fabric 102 Documented
beverages 104 Documented
water 105 Documented
boutique 111 Documented
building_materials 111 Documented
food 118 Documented
garden_centre 123 Documented
chemist 134 Documented
cosmetics 134 Documented
butcher 141 Documented
toys 151 Documented
art 158 Documented
houseware 163 Documented
photo 164 Documented
marketplace 169 Undocumented
pawnbroker 176 Documented
florist 176 Documented
tailor 180 Documented
outdoor 193 Documented
sports 216 Documented
optician 232 Documented
pet 232 Documented
seafood 237 Documented
tyres 239 Documented
frame 242 Documented
car_parts 259 Documented
shoes 260 Documented
coffee 262 Documented
jewelry 276 Documented
bicycle 289 Documented
stationery 296 Documented
books 323 Documented
massage 337 Documented
computer 343 Documented
ticket 366 Documented
department_store 389 Documented
doityourself 391 Documented
motorcycle_repair 408 Documented
gift 408 Documented
general 441 Documented
beauty 484 Documented
greengrocer 556 Documented
electronics 567 Documented
travel_agency 610 Documented
furniture 618 Documented
copyshop 636 Documented
variety_store 663 Documented
laundry 737 Documented
car 835 Documented
hardware 871 Documented
motorcycle 877 Documented
hairdresser 880 Documented
mall 918 Documented
bakery 1065 Documented
mobile_phone 1112 Documented
car_repair 1165 Documented
clothes 2097 Documented
yes 2409 Documented
supermarket 3415 Documented
kiosk 4773 Documented
convenience 8758 Documented
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