Unsubscribe from weekly newsletter push into mailbox

Since a few month the weekly newsletter is pushed into my OSM account mail addie. Never asked for that I can remember but it does. Today’s arrival said again it was in English but clicking on the link I get “Die Wochenendnotiz”. Does anyone know how to unsubscribe and reduce the mail clutter?

Reading the forum practically daily it’s soon enough I see the announcement here and when I don’t read, I don’t read, my choice.


As far as I know, the weeklyOSM is not sent to individual, private e-mail addresses but only to various mailing lists.
Could you give a few more details?
From which e-mail address is the e-mail sent?
To which e-mail address is the e-mail sent? (of course don’t leak any private information here)
To your own private address or to a “talk-**@openstreetmap.org”?
What is the email subject of the mail?
What is the body of the Mail? (may you can attach a screenshot?)
In which language is the e-mail written?


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hmmm, happened to have enrolled in a talk mail group about the same timespan, so that’s a good guess. This newsletter mailing an unwanted side effect.

Screenshot of the “english” mail, the link to newsletter weeklyOSM 698 – weekly – semanario – hebdo – 週刊 – týdeník – Wochennotiz – 주간 – tygodnik going to the german “Wochennotiz”

There was an exchange when I tried to respond to one conversation, then got a mail saying my (real) mail-account was not known, but got whitelisted after clarifying how that happened.

When looking at some of the talk comments its noticeable the replies come with the actual mail addresses of the respondents, oh oh. At the bottom of these mails is this


That was my guess, you are subscribed to the talk mailing list, where the WeeklyOSM is shared every Sunday. You can either unsubscribe completely from the talk-ML, see:

Link: talk Info Page

Or you can create an e-mail filter that moves all mails with the content “weeklyosm” to a subfolder and marks them as read.

Concerning the language of the weeklyOSM. The link https://weeklyosm.eu/archives/16888 redirects you depending on the georeferencing of your IP address. If your IP address is somewhere in the DACH region, you will be redirected to the German weeklyOSM. You can see this here:

(You can check your IP geo information in any IP lookup tool like IP Location Finder - IP Lookup With Detailed Geolocation Data | KeyCDN Tools)


This seems to have been resolved. Not received an email notice in the past several weeks (saw the ref to the new letter #703 on the JOSM startup page).