Ukrainian flag on Overpass Turbo

As well as the prefix to the attribution, on that site they appear to have turned off all the attribution there, including to OpenStreetMap!

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same ( ~ missing attribution )

I am certain that I will forget about this mostly pointless discussion in a couple days, and return to the normal instance of overpass, once more not noticing the existence of the miniaturized Ukrainian flag modestly posted in the corner.

That being said, participants of this thread, please don’t allow this discussion to turn into a heated dispute purely about the war without any content related to OSM.


Yea that’s a weird website, some third party editor integrations are broken too, but I used it for a while when the main servers had some data consistency issues.

My complaint was directed at the message behind the flag, not at the flag itself. I would have written the same if it had been Russian war propaganda hidden behind a Russian flag. And I would have said nothing at all if it had been something like the use of a Ukrainian flag on a motorcar, which indeed merely indicates where someone comes from.

Since we have now established that these are third-party components and web sites which are developed, run, and paid for not by the OSMF but by free people with a right to express their opinions, perhaps we can all move on.


Yeah, the propaganda is everywhere and even could be found in OSM maps. And it’s more broad than you could imagine!
Look! Way: ‪Miejsce egzekucji (Żwirownia)‬ (‪518216080‬) | OpenStreetMap There is a place named “Exekutionsstatte” — Execution center? I bet that no one in this community has ever seen anyone executed there. Clearly a propaganda and unsubstantiated claim.
And what is this? Way: ‪Blok 11 Wewnętrzne więzienie "Blok śmierci"‬ (‪29945569‬) | OpenStreetMap “Block 11 Inner prison “Block of death””? There is clearly just “Block 11” on the plate. It’s definitely a propaganda and unsubstantiated claim about some deaths.

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I’m not sure about this. Here is a photo with a board above the door that says “Blok śmierci”:

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It’s a very old photo. The board is gone (< sarcasm> Maybe, because it was a propaganda and unsubstantiated claim </ sarcasm>). Though, can’t verify if it was hanged again recently. There is no sign of “Inner prison” also.
PS. Sorry for a little bit of off-top.

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I do not believe there is any utility to leaving this thread open anymore. The responses to the original poster communicated their points very well. Any further posts in the same vein and it will like beating a dead horse, as the saying goes. pointless.