[UK] Updating Wales Speed Limit changes for maxspeed

Hi everyone, new to the forum—go easy on me!

In September 2024, Wales introduced a law reducing many 30mph speed limits to 20mph. The affected roads are mapped here: https://datamap.gov.wales/maps/roads-affected-by-changes-to-the-speed-limit-on-re/view#/

We rely on OSM’s maxspeed data for a speeding detection system, which flags events when vehicles exceed the speed limit. This has worked well for years, but a user in Wales has pointed out that many roads still show outdated speed limits in OSM.

For example, Quarella Road, Bridgend is correctly listed as 20mph on DataMapWales but still appears as 30mph in OSM.

How Can We Help Update OSM?
Would anyone have advice on:

  • Extracting and processing the DataMapWales speed limit changes for use in OSM?
  • Efficiently mass-updating OSM to reflect the correct speed limits?

Any help or guidance would be massively appreciated! :rocket:

It was a while before last September, but that’s not important.

At the time a mapper did update a lot of mapped 30mph limits to 20mph including a lot of exceptions. In my experience since then, driving with OSMand, they did a good job but obviously there are bits that need fixing.

Most speed limits are mapped by survey or using open imagery such mapillary. We absolutely cannot use Google Streetview.

So the answer is survey and fix the problems.

The answer here is you cannot. That is not open data, in fact it is Crown Copyright so very much a no no.

Not easilywhilst staying within open data. It’s getting out, check and survey.

Could you tell us more about this product.

Cheers Phil