Tool for unordered members of bicycle routes

is there a tool like OSM Inspector for public transport routes that can find unordered bicycle or hiking routes?

waymarkedtrails relies on member order in relations. I’ve recently added a tiny debug view to waymarkedtrails which visualizes the order of a route. It cannot list unsorted routes but help you check if “your” route is okay. The view hides behind the ‘Analyse relation’ tab:

If you click on it, the segments into which waymarkedtrails has broken down the relation are displayed on the map. (It may help to take away the contrast of the base map a bit to see the information in the map better. You can adjust this in the settings (the gear).

Dashed lines indicate the virtual connections between the segments, i.e when there is a hole in the route. If there are a lot of dashed lines visible, this is an indication that the members of the relation might be unsorted.

Red dots show open ends. A red dot in the middle of the route is a clear indication that the relation could have a small hole there.

Green dots are where several segments meet. This is the case, for example, with roundabouts, or when there are alternatives. However, it can also indicate an unwanted “appendix”.

Two gotchas: waymarkedtrails still doesn’t know about roles, so the display is not completely correct. And: if a route is perfectly linear, then waymarkedtrails will sort route members, no matter if the relation members themselves are ordered or not.


Given the wide range or roles that a type=route can have, the ways in a route relation will not necessarily be in order. PTv2 is the exception, which is why it has the concept of mapping each variant of a route separately, so that each one is itself in order.