TomTom MapRoulette Challenge - Canada - Fix Spiky Buildings

Hi everyone,

In May we have a new editing challenge in Canada where we’ve identified buildings with oddly sharp angles:

This challenge focuses on buildings where angles between nodes are less than 15 degrees. While some angles might be valid to real world conditions, many are likely incorrect data.

Here’s an example of a task location:

We expect most situations can be resolved by reshaping and squaring the building. Sometimes the suspicious angle isn’t readily visible and requires zooming in to see the issue. In other cases, like the situation below, nodes may need to be disconnected from nearby objects before reshaping.

Our editing team plans to pick-up this challenge in a couple of weeks starting after May 28, 2024. As always, the challenge is public, so anyone that’s interested can review the tasks.

At the start we’ve loaded 1,000 tasks. More tasks may be added later.

If you have any questions or comments, just reach out.

Cochrane Alberta is now fixed.

However, it seems to be flagging a building as “spiky” that looks very rectangular to me.

Awesome, thanks for improving the map around Cochrane!

Agreed, there’s nothing visibly wrong there. I’ll share that with the team and will remove that task from challenge.

that building has 5 nodes. Maybe it is because two of the nodes are co-incident?

I noticed that too. JOSM says it is only four nodes, but on the OSM website it lists five nodes. I’m not an expert on the OSM data structure, but I think it might be because it’s a “closed way”, so the last node is the same as the first node.