TomTom Map Roulette Challenge: Fix Odd Shaped buildings

Hello community!

We want to propose a new challenge: Fix Odd Shapes Buildings.

The goal is to check the accuracy of the mapping of building shapes. If the shape does not match the sources (satellite and aerial imagery), changes/edits need to be made that lead to a proper representation of the building on the map.

This is a new challenge, if you think that it is interesting, we can provide further leads.

You will find 180 tasks of this type in:

Our team will start working on this challenge in a couple of weeks. You can find more details about TomTom’s data improvement activities in Croatia on our Github page:

GitHub - Croatia

section Quality check challenge

I hope you will enjoy our challenges… and please let me know if you have any questions or specific mapping interest.

See you soon,


If this:

goes OK we’ll have all the buildings as vector data, so please stay tuned for more info :slight_smile:

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