Walls inside very old buildings can be extremely thick. Correspondingly, for this cathedral I’ve tagged numerous indoor walls as areas. I think it works well. However, the wiki suggests indoor walls should not be represented as areas. Opinions?
Hmm. Using areas has the benefit of supporting walls of non-constant width. One would have to add area=yes to distinguish them from circular walls, but you seem to be doing that already.
How are you dealing with doors? They are represented as nodes of a wall way, and this likely doesn’t work well with walls that are mapped as areas.
I’ll invite some of the authors of the wiki documentation to share their opinions.
Hello, thank you for your reply.
I’m not sure I quite understand your question about the doors. It’s my understanding that passage from one area to another area needs to be represented by an entrance/exit. For example, a person moving from the Nave Central to the Capilla de Nuestra Señora del Topo, walks from one open area to another open area via an entrance which is tagged, door=no.
A person walking from the Nave Central to the Despacho Parroquial (religious office) needs to go through a door; door=yes.
From the wiki: “The individual areas share the same nodes where they share a wall in real world. The connection between a room an a corridor is done by a door=* node, again shared by both objects.”
@chachafish: Can you post a editor screenshot of your “as area modelled” walls?
I’m not sure what you mean by a screenshot of the “as area modelled” walls, however, you can view the walls I’m talking about via any of the 3 links below.
When you have two areas separated by a wall, with a door connecting them, this is normally mapped such that the node is shared by the wall way and the two area ways at the same time.
But if the wall is represented at as a polygon in this location, this doesn’t work, so I was wondering how to handle this in the general case. (With your cathedral, the walls seem to be thinner in the places where there are doors?)
Yes, all the doors in this cathedral represent connection points between areas that are adjacent to each other. No doors open into the thick brick/concrete walls. If there were a passage through the thick brick/concrete walls, such passage would likely be represented as a corridor, another room, etcetera.
After giving it much thought, since the wiki states walls should not be tagged as areas, I think it would be preferable to map thick walls with closed ways (without an area tag), for example in the link below?