The zipcode when hit through openstreet APIs gives wrong location. for example: 98033 when hit through the openstreet API shows location as italy while it is in USA

The zipcode when hit through openstreet APIs gives wrong location. for example: 98033 when hit through the openstreet API shows location as italy while it is in USA .

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Zipcodes/postal codes aren’t unique worldwide, whatever tag you’re looking for likely exists on multiple objects.

If you know what you’re looking for is in the US, I’d try and limit your search to that area.

As fortera_au mentioned, zip codes aren’t unique. Not even city names, because you can find Paris in Texas. A better way to get accurate geocoding from OSM is to add more context. If zip codes in the USA are unique then you can query with example: 98033, United States. You could also add states. 98033, Washington, United States.

You may want to use a more appropriate geocoder.