The "OSM Standard tile layer" looks wrong (white lines, abusive comments etc.)

@Mateusz_Konieczy You are right; this should be left to the experts to revert. Unfortunatly I read your post after I had made three reverts. I will refrain from further reverting this vandalism-attac.
The reverts I made were:
I hope I did not revert a revert or otherwise destroyed somthing.

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Just to reassure people, this latest vandalism is being dealt with. It needs to be done in one go as all the changeset objects are interlinked. As noted above, piecemeal reverts using tools such as Josmā€™s reverter plugin or wonā€™t work because they will just restore something to a previously bad state.

Edit: A revert has now fixed most or all of this. If you think that something is still wrong, please go through the checks above before reporting it - you may just be seeing it in your browser cache.


Will the CDN now serve bad tiles till next week? I see some in zoom 14 and 15 in the JOSM editor.

This has occurred again at 4 levels of zoom to the north east of the Isle of Wight. seen in both Safari and Chrome . Mainly over the sea and at the higher levels of zoom the street names are both in English and Cyrillic script/

Thanks - can you go through the checks above to see if it is still a problem? You may just be seeing it in your browser cache or the CDN.

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Current screenshot from OSM Inspector:

Thereā€™s still something wrong in our toolchainā€¦ As far as I know, Inspector takes a snapshot daily and then crunches the data. If vandalism was reverted within an hour, how come it is visible so persistently, as opposed to the clean, reverted data from minutes later? (Of course, unless the vandal has hit the precise moment before the snapshot was taken).

OSMI takes a snapshot every 13 hours (yes, it does at that rate looking at OSM Inspector | Geofabrik Tools with UTC timestamp left bottom in bar). Weirder is that if one fixes a problem, it still getā€™s listed in the next cycle report at Neis i.e. it takes 2 cycles after a fix to go, whereas a bust shows on next 13 hour cycle.

This sounds like a good thing for me to profileā€¦

But the reverter plugin in JOSM should probably take a range/list of changesets to revert for cases like this.

JOSM revert plugin accepts multiple changeset IDs separated by comma. However, it reverts changeset by changeset. If one OSM object triggered a conflict during one revert and triggers the next conflict when the next changeset is reverted, one of the conflicts is not handled properly.

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Iā€™d agree with that - Josmā€™s reverter plugin is absolutely the wrong tool to use in this sort of situation.


I was specifically thinking of ā€œif changesets 1, 2, 3, and 4 are being reverted, donā€™t try to use any version from those changesetsā€.

As far as what @SomeoneElse is saying about the reverter plugin being absolutely the wrong tool to use, Iā€™d like to fix any issues keeping it from being the right tool to use.

Unless I find a comment somewhere indicating that there was a good argument for it not being the right tool for certain jobs.

Realistically, since we are seeing more vandalism, Iā€™m thinking it might not be a bad idea to have an option to ignore all changes by specified users when reverting. E.g., if v1 was mad by gooduser, but v2, v3, v4, ā€¦ v100 were all made by baduser, we should be able to revert to v1 without much trouble.

Of course, I have to find the time to do all the improvements. :slight_smile:


Yes it is still a problem, and a little more complex.

Starting with a level of zoom that has the whole of the IOW filling the screen. No issues
Click + once to zoom in Lines to north east of the island and in Sandown bat
Click + again More lines to then East of the Islnd and over the island , Over the Needles and South of the Needles
Click + again Lines with street names over the New Forest and into the Solent No lines over the Needles and south Dense lines north of Cowes and to the North East of the Island
Lick + again Lines in Bembridge harbour A the others have gone

This was tested in Safari with the cache cleared


Philip Gage

As I suggested earlier, can you please go through the checks above to see if it is still a problem? You may just be seeing it in the CDN.

Iā€™d suggest that that is best dealt with in a new thread, but as a starter for 10 Josmā€™s interactivity make it unsuitable for reverting potentially thousands of objects in potentially thousands of changesets by potentially hundreds of users.

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seeing this lines in Paechtree city, GA at one specific zoom?

Hello, can you please go through the checks listed above to see if it is still a problem in the data, or is just related to your browser cache or the CDN. Youā€™ll also see advice above to help you clearing your local browser cache.

Also - what website have you included a screenshot from?

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Hi, I have cleared my cache without any change. They still persisit in Incognito window too.
The website is our Asset Management System which can use basemaps from ESRI.

The layer that youā€™re looking at is updated every minute for the purposes of OpenStreetMap QA - it wouldnā€™t be my first choice (for a bunch of reasons) for a commercial asset management system.


Try ESRIā€™s OpenStreetMap Vector Basemap, itā€™s based on the Daylight Map Distribution.

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This is because your software vendor (ElementsXS) thinks it is a good idea to use the OSMF tile layer. Actually this is not the case as those tiles are not suitable for anything other than live mapping toolchains. So please report your problem towards the producers of ElementsXS as the fault is to be found in their software planning. By using the OSMF tileservers, they just use the wrong tool for that software (there are plenty of other choices available that would not show this kind of vandalism even while using OSM data).

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