Thailand’s Top contributors this month!

Starting this thread to give a monthly shoutout to the top OpenStreetMap contributors in Thailand.
It’s a great way to recognize new mappers and connect with other OSM enthusiasts.

Hey Kri_ttt, EndlessRoundabout, julcnx, Othoshi, Johnny Carlsen, Peetang618, dpolovinkin, PonPan, lomsw, GrabTH_Napittha, oum13928, ig4map, GrabTH_Thamolvan, Dmitriev_DA, mbranco2, nongyen, flierfy, AlaskaDave, StarTrek2, GrabTH_Voramate,

Congrats on being the top 20 mappers in Thailand this month! Your awesome contributions is making a big difference, and we really appreciate it.

Keep up the great mapping!

No. Contributor Changeset Map changes
1. Kri_ttt 393 74669
2. EndlessRoundabout 1901 38261
3. julcnx 241 27629
4. Othoshi 84 20137
5. Johnny Carlsen 117 20062
6. Peetang618 193 17403
7. dpolovinkin 98 14028
8. PonPan 65 11045
9. lomsw 20 6359
10. GrabTH_Napittha 215 4805
11. oum13928 74 4728
12. ig4map 59 4623
13. GrabTH_Thamolvan 267 3840
14. Dmitriev_DA 21 3527
15. mbranco2 1 3019
16. nongyen 21 2865
17. flierfy 11 2735
18. AlaskaDave 14 2714
19. StarTrek2 163 2527
20. GrabTH_Voramate (Grab) 158 2348


I have reached out to most recent Thailand top contributors and sent the following personalized message in English, as well as a Thai version with the help of @nitinagsansit:

I’m hoping to strengthen the community by informing existing members of the changes made to guidelines over the past 18 months, and hopefully encouraging more participation in the forum.

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Hey Kri_ttt, EndlessRoundabout, julcnx, Johnny Carlsen, Othoshi, Ivy Perez, Brazil Singh, pimkwan, Dmitriev_DA, Peetang618, Dibikshya Shrestha, GrabTH_Napittha, NzahT, JaneAmerica12, oum13928, mbranco2, PaulHaag, GrabTH_Thamolvan, Sam Snider, StarTrek2.

Congrats on being the top 20 mappers in Thailand this month! Your awesome contributions is making a big difference, and we really appreciate it.

Keep up the great mapping!

No. Contributor Changeset Map changes
1. Kri_ttt 463 104932
2. EndlessRoundabout 1695 36376
3. julcnx 482 36361
4. Johnny Carlsen 202 32332
5. Othoshi 56 10440
6. Ivy Perez 18 9046
7. Brazil Singh 40 8684
8. pimkwan 379 7380
9. Dmitriev_DA 28 5915
10. Peetang618 56 4944
11. Dibikshya Shrestha 14 4762
12. GrabTH_Napittha 243 3771
13. NzahT 31 3565
14. JaneAmerica12 8 3537
15. oum13928 44 3340
16. mbranco2 1 3019
17. PaulHaag 82 2900
18. GrabTH_Thamolvan 256 2838
19. Sam Snider 29 2599
20. StarTrek2 148 2355

Hey Kri_ttt, Dmitriev_DA, EndlessRoundabout, Naritsara Worawat, julcnx, pimkwan, Johnny Carlsen, Naw San Aung, Ivy Perez, Brazil Singh, Oko_prj, EAKMOR, PaulHaag, Sooup, oum13928, Dibikshya Shrestha, GrabTH_Napittha, kaykhine, PonPan, JaneAmerica12,

Congrats on being the top 20 mappers in Thailand this month! Your awesome contributions is making a big difference, and we really appreciate it.

Keep up the great mapping!

No. Contributor Changeset Map changes
1. Kri_ttt 489 90808
2. Dmitriev_DA 171 70040
3. EndlessRoundabout 1934 40345
4. Naritsara Worawat 2063 33395
5. julcnx 457 29410
6. pimkwan 875 23434
7. Johnny Carlsen 107 14875
8. Naw San Aung 41 9865
9. Ivy Perez 18 9046
10. Brazil Singh 40 8684
11. Oko_prj 78 8398
12. EAKMOR 177 7366
13. PaulHaag 259 6292
14. Sooup 54 6258
15. oum13928 56 5489
16. Dibikshya Shrestha 14 4762
17. GrabTH_Napittha 246 4727
18. kaykhine 14 4452
19. PonPan 28 3730
20. JaneAmerica12 8 3537

Hey Dmitriev_DA, Kri_ttt, EndlessRoundabout, Naritsara Worawat, julcnx, pimkwan, mapsmy_tsunami, oum13928, CLAUDE999, Oko_prj, PaulHaag, Sooup, EAKMOR, nknms, kaykhine, andi9876, Punnapas, GrabTH_Napittha, nols420, PonPan,

Congrats on being the top 20 mappers in Thailand this month! Your awesome contributions is making a big difference, and we really appreciate it.

Keep up the great mapping!

No. Contributor Changeset Map changes
1. Dmitriev_DA 165 67209
2. Kri_ttt 556 59848
3. EndlessRoundabout 1740 34402
4. Naritsara Worawat 1966 31068
5. julcnx 231 20753
6. pimkwan 498 16079
7. mapsmy_tsunami 158 13040
8. oum13928 104 10458
9. CLAUDE999 41 9865
10. Oko_prj 81 9424
11. PaulHaag 438 9272
12. Sooup 63 7830
13. EAKMOR 121 6251
14. nknms 17 4782
15. kaykhine 14 4452
16. andi9876 30 3937
17. Punnapas 8 3520
18. GrabTH_Napittha 176 3508
19. nols420 60 3446
20. PonPan 21 3276
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Hey Kri_ttt, Dmitriev_DA, EndlessRoundabout, mapsmy_tsunami, PaulHaag, kritzy_8, Russ McD, oum13928, Pai48259, julcnx, nknms, latenightdef, andi9876, Panisara17, Punnapas, Sooup, Chainwit, mataharimau, Wannart, nitinatsangsit,

Congrats on being the top 20 mappers in Thailand this month! Your awesome contributions is making a big difference, and we really appreciate it.

Keep up the great mapping!

No. Contributor Changeset Map changes
1. Kri_ttt 700 77511
2. Dmitriev_DA 61 26639
3. EndlessRoundabout 1149 20794
4. mapsmy_tsunami 510 19032
5. PaulHaag 521 13893
6. kritzy_8 21 10031
7. Russ McD 42 8912
8. oum13928 114 8414
9. Pai48259 73 8050
10. julcnx 86 7164
11. nknms 17 4782
12. latenightdef 29 4319
13. andi9876 30 3937
14. Panisara17 34 3611
15. Punnapas 8 3520
16. Sooup 26 3285
17. Chainwit 14 3230
18. mataharimau 3 2914
19. Wannart 15 2520
20. nitinatsangsit 8 2358

Hey Kri_ttt, EndlessRoundabout, Russ McD, Pai48259, Dmitriev_DA, zwombie, kritzy_8, PaulHaag, mapsmy_tsunami, julcnx, latenightdef, oum13928, AlaskaDave, Sojo13, lomsw, Johnny Carlsen, aaa4xu, Oko_prj, Panisara17, Chainwit,

Congrats on being the top 20 mappers in Thailand this month! Your awesome contributions is making a big difference, and we really appreciate it.

Keep up the great mapping!

No. Contributor Changeset Map changes
1. Kri_ttt 921 100694
2. EndlessRoundabout 1786 39289
3. Russ McD 130 32254
4. Pai48259 98 28056
5. Dmitriev_DA 54 26396
6. zwombie 92 21820
7. kritzy_8 35 17593
8. PaulHaag 426 14728
9. mapsmy_tsunami 453 13706
10. julcnx 696 13081
11. latenightdef 105 10098
12. oum13928 80 5733
13. AlaskaDave 37 4524
14. Sojo13 19 4248
15. lomsw 21 4247
16. Johnny Carlsen 15 4049
17. aaa4xu 29 3913
18. Oko_prj 18 3622
19. Panisara17 34 3611
20. Chainwit 15 3241

Hey Kri_ttt, Paul Haag, EndlessRoundabout, Pai48259, lomsw, Russ McD, zwombie, julcnx, Sal73x, kritzy_8, Dmitriev_DA, mapsmy_tsunami, latenightdef, AlaskaDave, Sojo13, oum13928, Oko_prj, aaa4x, Johnny Carlsen, StarTrek2,

Congrats on being the top 20 mappers in Thailand this month! Your awesome contributions is making a big difference, and we really appreciate it.

Keep up the great mapping!

No. Contributor Changeset Map changes
1. Kri_ttt 965 102117
2. Paul Haag 315 65423
3. EndlessRoundabout 2680 63177
4. Pai48259 60 27639
5. lomsw 40 24600
6. Russ McD 92 23552
7. zwombie 113 23502
8. julcnx 778 19105
9. Sal73x 117 18281
10. kritzy_8 15 8702
11. Dmitriev_DA 115 7569
12. mapsmy_tsunami 80 6692
13. latenightdef 88 6347
14. AlaskaDave 30 4878
15. Sojo13 20 4852
16. oum13928 38 4730
17. Oko_prj 22 4386
18. aaa4x 29 3913
19. Johnny Carlsen 14 3713
20. StarTrek2 69 2826

Hey PaulHaag, EndlessRoundabout, Kri_ttt, lomsw, Sal73x, dpolovinkin, julcnx, Pai48259, Dmitriev_DA, Marcoh44, Pathumthani, AlaskaDave, killar, Ghanji, Russ McD, bienvu, KeepBlue, nitinatsangsit, Goudanius, oum13928,

Congrats on being the top 20 mappers in Thailand this month! Your awesome contributions is making a big difference, and we really appreciate it.

Keep up the great mapping!

No. Contributor Changeset Map changes
1. PaulHaag 286 95648
2. EndlessRoundabout 3092 85366
3. Kri_ttt 684 74480
4. lomsw 46 26775
5. Sal73x 121 19277
6. dpolovinkin 148 17711
7. julcnx 188 17256
8. Pai48259 21 8293
9. Dmitriev_DA 116 7570
10. Marcoh44 35 7264
11. Pathumthani 126 5731
12. AlaskaDave 28 5694
13. killar 54 5013
14. Ghanji 166 4469
15. Russ McD 72 3969
16. bienvu 52 3511
17. KeepBlue 27 3350
18. nitinatsangsit 14 3341
19. Goudanius 79 3166
20. oum13928 30 2919