Starting this thread to give a monthly shoutout to the top OpenStreetMap contributors in Thailand.
It’s a great way to recognize new mappers and connect with other OSM enthusiasts.
Hey Kri_ttt, EndlessRoundabout, julcnx, Othoshi, Johnny Carlsen, Peetang618, dpolovinkin, PonPan, lomsw, GrabTH_Napittha, oum13928, ig4map, GrabTH_Thamolvan, Dmitriev_DA, mbranco2, nongyen, flierfy, AlaskaDave, StarTrek2, GrabTH_Voramate,
Congrats on being the top 20 mappers in Thailand this month! Your awesome contributions is making a big difference, and we really appreciate it.
Keep up the great mapping!
No. | Contributor | Changeset | Map changes |
1. | Kri_ttt | 393 | 74669 |
2. | EndlessRoundabout | 1901 | 38261 |
3. | julcnx | 241 | 27629 |
4. | Othoshi | 84 | 20137 |
5. | Johnny Carlsen | 117 | 20062 |
6. | Peetang618 | 193 | 17403 |
7. | dpolovinkin | 98 | 14028 |
8. | PonPan | 65 | 11045 |
9. | lomsw | 20 | 6359 |
10. | GrabTH_Napittha | 215 | 4805 |
11. | oum13928 | 74 | 4728 |
12. | ig4map | 59 | 4623 |
13. | GrabTH_Thamolvan | 267 | 3840 |
14. | Dmitriev_DA | 21 | 3527 |
15. | mbranco2 | 1 | 3019 |
16. | nongyen | 21 | 2865 |
17. | flierfy | 11 | 2735 |
18. | AlaskaDave | 14 | 2714 |
19. | StarTrek2 | 163 | 2527 |
20. | GrabTH_Voramate (Grab) | 158 | 2348 |
I have reached out to most recent Thailand top contributors and sent the following personalized message in English, as well as a Thai version with the help of @nitinagsansit:
I’m hoping to strengthen the community by informing existing members of the changes made to guidelines over the past 18 months, and hopefully encouraging more participation in the forum.
Hey Kri_ttt, EndlessRoundabout, julcnx, Johnny Carlsen, Othoshi, Ivy Perez, Brazil Singh, pimkwan, Dmitriev_DA, Peetang618, Dibikshya Shrestha, GrabTH_Napittha, NzahT, JaneAmerica12, oum13928, mbranco2, PaulHaag, GrabTH_Thamolvan, Sam Snider, StarTrek2.
Congrats on being the top 20 mappers in Thailand this month! Your awesome contributions is making a big difference, and we really appreciate it.
Keep up the great mapping!
No. | Contributor | Changeset | Map changes |
1. | Kri_ttt | 463 | 104932 |
2. | EndlessRoundabout | 1695 | 36376 |
3. | julcnx | 482 | 36361 |
4. | Johnny Carlsen | 202 | 32332 |
5. | Othoshi | 56 | 10440 |
6. | Ivy Perez | 18 | 9046 |
7. | Brazil Singh | 40 | 8684 |
8. | pimkwan | 379 | 7380 |
9. | Dmitriev_DA | 28 | 5915 |
10. | Peetang618 | 56 | 4944 |
11. | Dibikshya Shrestha | 14 | 4762 |
12. | GrabTH_Napittha | 243 | 3771 |
13. | NzahT | 31 | 3565 |
14. | JaneAmerica12 | 8 | 3537 |
15. | oum13928 | 44 | 3340 |
16. | mbranco2 | 1 | 3019 |
17. | PaulHaag | 82 | 2900 |
18. | GrabTH_Thamolvan | 256 | 2838 |
19. | Sam Snider | 29 | 2599 |
20. | StarTrek2 | 148 | 2355 |
Hey Kri_ttt, Dmitriev_DA, EndlessRoundabout, Naritsara Worawat, julcnx, pimkwan, Johnny Carlsen, Naw San Aung, Ivy Perez, Brazil Singh, Oko_prj, EAKMOR, PaulHaag, Sooup, oum13928, Dibikshya Shrestha, GrabTH_Napittha, kaykhine, PonPan, JaneAmerica12,
Congrats on being the top 20 mappers in Thailand this month! Your awesome contributions is making a big difference, and we really appreciate it.
Keep up the great mapping!
No. | Contributor | Changeset | Map changes |
1. | Kri_ttt | 489 | 90808 |
2. | Dmitriev_DA | 171 | 70040 |
3. | EndlessRoundabout | 1934 | 40345 |
4. | Naritsara Worawat | 2063 | 33395 |
5. | julcnx | 457 | 29410 |
6. | pimkwan | 875 | 23434 |
7. | Johnny Carlsen | 107 | 14875 |
8. | Naw San Aung | 41 | 9865 |
9. | Ivy Perez | 18 | 9046 |
10. | Brazil Singh | 40 | 8684 |
11. | Oko_prj | 78 | 8398 |
12. | EAKMOR | 177 | 7366 |
13. | PaulHaag | 259 | 6292 |
14. | Sooup | 54 | 6258 |
15. | oum13928 | 56 | 5489 |
16. | Dibikshya Shrestha | 14 | 4762 |
17. | GrabTH_Napittha | 246 | 4727 |
18. | kaykhine | 14 | 4452 |
19. | PonPan | 28 | 3730 |
20. | JaneAmerica12 | 8 | 3537 |
Hey Dmitriev_DA, Kri_ttt, EndlessRoundabout, Naritsara Worawat, julcnx, pimkwan, mapsmy_tsunami, oum13928, CLAUDE999, Oko_prj, PaulHaag, Sooup, EAKMOR, nknms, kaykhine, andi9876, Punnapas, GrabTH_Napittha, nols420, PonPan,
Congrats on being the top 20 mappers in Thailand this month! Your awesome contributions is making a big difference, and we really appreciate it.
Keep up the great mapping!
No. | Contributor | Changeset | Map changes |
1. | Dmitriev_DA | 165 | 67209 |
2. | Kri_ttt | 556 | 59848 |
3. | EndlessRoundabout | 1740 | 34402 |
4. | Naritsara Worawat | 1966 | 31068 |
5. | julcnx | 231 | 20753 |
6. | pimkwan | 498 | 16079 |
7. | mapsmy_tsunami | 158 | 13040 |
8. | oum13928 | 104 | 10458 |
9. | CLAUDE999 | 41 | 9865 |
10. | Oko_prj | 81 | 9424 |
11. | PaulHaag | 438 | 9272 |
12. | Sooup | 63 | 7830 |
13. | EAKMOR | 121 | 6251 |
14. | nknms | 17 | 4782 |
15. | kaykhine | 14 | 4452 |
16. | andi9876 | 30 | 3937 |
17. | Punnapas | 8 | 3520 |
18. | GrabTH_Napittha | 176 | 3508 |
19. | nols420 | 60 | 3446 |
20. | PonPan | 21 | 3276 |
Hey Kri_ttt, Dmitriev_DA, EndlessRoundabout, mapsmy_tsunami, PaulHaag, kritzy_8, Russ McD, oum13928, Pai48259, julcnx, nknms, latenightdef, andi9876, Panisara17, Punnapas, Sooup, Chainwit, mataharimau, Wannart, nitinatsangsit,
Congrats on being the top 20 mappers in Thailand this month! Your awesome contributions is making a big difference, and we really appreciate it.
Keep up the great mapping!
No. | Contributor | Changeset | Map changes |
1. | Kri_ttt | 700 | 77511 |
2. | Dmitriev_DA | 61 | 26639 |
3. | EndlessRoundabout | 1149 | 20794 |
4. | mapsmy_tsunami | 510 | 19032 |
5. | PaulHaag | 521 | 13893 |
6. | kritzy_8 | 21 | 10031 |
7. | Russ McD | 42 | 8912 |
8. | oum13928 | 114 | 8414 |
9. | Pai48259 | 73 | 8050 |
10. | julcnx | 86 | 7164 |
11. | nknms | 17 | 4782 |
12. | latenightdef | 29 | 4319 |
13. | andi9876 | 30 | 3937 |
14. | Panisara17 | 34 | 3611 |
15. | Punnapas | 8 | 3520 |
16. | Sooup | 26 | 3285 |
17. | Chainwit | 14 | 3230 |
18. | mataharimau | 3 | 2914 |
19. | Wannart | 15 | 2520 |
20. | nitinatsangsit | 8 | 2358 |
Hey Kri_ttt, EndlessRoundabout, Russ McD, Pai48259, Dmitriev_DA, zwombie, kritzy_8, PaulHaag, mapsmy_tsunami, julcnx, latenightdef, oum13928, AlaskaDave, Sojo13, lomsw, Johnny Carlsen, aaa4xu, Oko_prj, Panisara17, Chainwit,
Congrats on being the top 20 mappers in Thailand this month! Your awesome contributions is making a big difference, and we really appreciate it.
Keep up the great mapping!
No. | Contributor | Changeset | Map changes |
1. | Kri_ttt | 921 | 100694 |
2. | EndlessRoundabout | 1786 | 39289 |
3. | Russ McD | 130 | 32254 |
4. | Pai48259 | 98 | 28056 |
5. | Dmitriev_DA | 54 | 26396 |
6. | zwombie | 92 | 21820 |
7. | kritzy_8 | 35 | 17593 |
8. | PaulHaag | 426 | 14728 |
9. | mapsmy_tsunami | 453 | 13706 |
10. | julcnx | 696 | 13081 |
11. | latenightdef | 105 | 10098 |
12. | oum13928 | 80 | 5733 |
13. | AlaskaDave | 37 | 4524 |
14. | Sojo13 | 19 | 4248 |
15. | lomsw | 21 | 4247 |
16. | Johnny Carlsen | 15 | 4049 |
17. | aaa4xu | 29 | 3913 |
18. | Oko_prj | 18 | 3622 |
19. | Panisara17 | 34 | 3611 |
20. | Chainwit | 15 | 3241 |
Hey Kri_ttt, Paul Haag, EndlessRoundabout, Pai48259, lomsw, Russ McD, zwombie, julcnx, Sal73x, kritzy_8, Dmitriev_DA, mapsmy_tsunami, latenightdef, AlaskaDave, Sojo13, oum13928, Oko_prj, aaa4x, Johnny Carlsen, StarTrek2,
Congrats on being the top 20 mappers in Thailand this month! Your awesome contributions is making a big difference, and we really appreciate it.
Keep up the great mapping!
No. | Contributor | Changeset | Map changes |
1. | Kri_ttt | 965 | 102117 |
2. | Paul Haag | 315 | 65423 |
3. | EndlessRoundabout | 2680 | 63177 |
4. | Pai48259 | 60 | 27639 |
5. | lomsw | 40 | 24600 |
6. | Russ McD | 92 | 23552 |
7. | zwombie | 113 | 23502 |
8. | julcnx | 778 | 19105 |
9. | Sal73x | 117 | 18281 |
10. | kritzy_8 | 15 | 8702 |
11. | Dmitriev_DA | 115 | 7569 |
12. | mapsmy_tsunami | 80 | 6692 |
13. | latenightdef | 88 | 6347 |
14. | AlaskaDave | 30 | 4878 |
15. | Sojo13 | 20 | 4852 |
16. | oum13928 | 38 | 4730 |
17. | Oko_prj | 22 | 4386 |
18. | aaa4x | 29 | 3913 |
19. | Johnny Carlsen | 14 | 3713 |
20. | StarTrek2 | 69 | 2826 |
Hey PaulHaag, EndlessRoundabout, Kri_ttt, lomsw, Sal73x, dpolovinkin, julcnx, Pai48259, Dmitriev_DA, Marcoh44, Pathumthani, AlaskaDave, killar, Ghanji, Russ McD, bienvu, KeepBlue, nitinatsangsit, Goudanius, oum13928,
Congrats on being the top 20 mappers in Thailand this month! Your awesome contributions is making a big difference, and we really appreciate it.
Keep up the great mapping!
No. | Contributor | Changeset | Map changes |
1. | PaulHaag | 286 | 95648 |
2. | EndlessRoundabout | 3092 | 85366 |
3. | Kri_ttt | 684 | 74480 |
4. | lomsw | 46 | 26775 |
5. | Sal73x | 121 | 19277 |
6. | dpolovinkin | 148 | 17711 |
7. | julcnx | 188 | 17256 |
8. | Pai48259 | 21 | 8293 |
9. | Dmitriev_DA | 116 | 7570 |
10. | Marcoh44 | 35 | 7264 |
11. | Pathumthani | 126 | 5731 |
12. | AlaskaDave | 28 | 5694 |
13. | killar | 54 | 5013 |
14. | Ghanji | 166 | 4469 |
15. | Russ McD | 72 | 3969 |
16. | bienvu | 52 | 3511 |
17. | KeepBlue | 27 | 3350 |
18. | nitinatsangsit | 14 | 3341 |
19. | Goudanius | 79 | 3166 |
20. | oum13928 | 30 | 2919 |