tags for hospital & healthcare - various different Attributes

tags for hospital & healthcare - various different Attributes

hi dear community,

i have several datasets - datasets derived from the living atlas AT ESRI

see https://livingatlas.arcgis.com/en/home/

datasets from hospitals



**map: https://hub.arcgis.com/datasets/53b8031b906e43c4a4dbcf2250022ca0_0?geometry=-88.345%2C-8.577%2C-139.322%2C74.544
data: https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=53b8031b906e43c4a4dbcf2250022ca0

**german hospitals:
**- Map: https://npgeo-corona-npgeo-de.hub.arcgis.com/datasets/348b643c8b234cdc8b1b345210975b87_0

note: these datasets have different Attributes .

why is this so?

see below some details


the datasets:

Canada 1
Canada 2

| Canada 1 (ca 10000 recprds)  | Canada 2 (ca 10000 recprds)  | US  (ca.4400 records)  |                                              | Deutschland (ca. 2800 records) |
|                              |                              |                        | example                                      |                                |
| index                        | Address_1                    | FID                    |                                              | OBJECTID                       |
| Name                         | City                         | OBJECTID               |                                              | Name                           |
| provider                     | County_Nam                   | Provider_N             |                                              | Einrichtung                    |
| ODHF facility type           | Emergency_                   | State_1                |                                              | Gesundheitsattribut            |
| unit                         | FID                          | County_Nam             |                                              | Gesundheitsattribut            |
| Street                       | Hospital_O                   | Hospital_T             | Acute Care  / Critical Access                | Spezialrichtung                |
| CSDname                      | Hospital_T                   | Hospital_O             | Proprietary  / Voluntary non-profit – Church | Betreiber                      |
| Prov                         | Name_new                     | Emergency_             |                                              | Betreibertyp                   |
| postal code                  | OBJECTID                     | ZipCode                |                                              | Telefon                        |
| CSDuid                       | PhoneNum                     | PhoneNum               |                                              | Website                        |
| Pruid                        | Provider_N                   | Address_1              |                                              | email                          |
| latitude                     | State_1                      | City                   |                                              | Fas                            |
| longitude                    | ZipCode                      | Name_new               | Howard Memorial Hospital                     | Adresse                        |
|                              |                              |                        |                                              | Adresse voll                   |
|                              |                              |                        |                                              | Straße                         |
|                              |                              |                        |                                              | Hausnummer                     |
|                              |                              |                        |                                              | Postleitzahl                   |
|                              |                              |                        |                                              | Stadt                          |
|                              |                              |                        |                                              | Hausname                       |
|                              |                              |                        |                                              | Stadtteil                      |
|                              |                              |                        |                                              | Unterbezirk                    |
|                              |                              |                        |                                              | Bezirk                         |
|                              |                              |                        |                                              | Provinz                        |
|                              |                              |                        |                                              | Bundesland                     |
|                              |                              |                        |                                              | Konfession                     |
|                              |                              |                        |                                              | Religion                       |
|                              |                              |                        |                                              | Notaufnahme                    |
|                              |                              |                        |                                              | Räume                          |
|                              |                              |                        |                                              | Betten                         |
|                              |                              |                        |                                              | Kapazität                      |
|                              |                              |                        |                                              | Rollstuhlgerecht               |
|                              |                              |                        |                                              | wikidata                       |
|                              |                              |                        |                                              | wikipedia                      |
|                              |                              |                        |                                              | ORIG_FID                       |
|                              |                              |                        |                                              | GlobalID                       |

why do we have such different attributes?

I’m not sure I understand the question (but I’m not a techie).

Do you mean, why do the different datasets have different information?


Canada 1 gives lat-long but Canada 2 does not?
Deutschland includes Konfession, but the others don’t?

hello dear eteb3,

many thanks for the quick reply. Great to hear from you. Exactly - this is the interesting thing.

btw. **canada ** - if we have a closer look at canada:

see here the **description and the methodology: **

with the description of attributes

and see here the dataset of the 9900 records


well some differences - at least at the canadian-dataset.

and if we compare all to the german dataset and set of attributes - there is a big difference.

i wonder which dataset one should take - if he wants to present data from various countries

etc. etx.

is there a set that is used generally…!?

which datafields you would leave out in such a final data-set?! Which fileds you would add !?

look forward to hear from you


I think this is simply a question of different governments having a need for different data: in Germany ‘Konfession’ is presumably of importance to the health system to know; I don’t know, but I’m guessing in the US this sort of cross-over between religion and the state is something the state is supposed to be indifferent to.

It’s just different people building different databases for their different needs - there’s no obvious reason why they should be consistent.

As for how to compare them, that is a data science question that’s beyond me! If it were me (I don’t even have a science degree…) I’d be looking for the shared or similar-enough attributes (by semantic content, not by the name of the attribute) and discarding any attribute that doesn’t have a close counterpart in the other datasets.

The lesson of our school grades debacle in the UK this summer was that you can’t get out of a dataset information that was never there. So unsophisticated as my solution is, I can’t see a better one: you can’t (from that data) discover what the ‘Konfession’ is of the US hospitals. Though perhaps you could translate a postal address into a very rough lat/long.

dear eteb3

many many thanks for the reply and all your help.

have a great day.
