Tags for Cycle Lanes on 1-way carriageway - Perth, Western Australia

The cycleway=lane tag should work for a dual-carriageway road where the cycle lane is on the left side of the carriageway, i.e. in the normal travel direction for Australia. However, it causes cycle lanes to be displayed on both sides of the carriageway resulting in display of 4 cycle lanes for a dual-carriageway road.

Examining a dual-carriageway road where the cycle lanes do display correctly (Grant St, Cottesloe), indicates that the cycleway:left=lane tag has been used.
See OpenStreetMap - compare Grant St to nearby Curtin Ave.

According to Tag:cycleway=lane - OpenStreetMap Wiki and Key:cycleway:left - OpenStreetMap Wiki the simpler cycleway=lane tag should work where the cycle lane is on the side of the road corresponding to normal traffic direction.

Potlatch 3 (Windows) editor doesn’t display cycle lanes even in OpenCycleMap style which makes it difficult to see the results of the tags. Adding a cycle lane to a 1-way road in Potlach creates the cycleway=lane tag so manual editing would be required to change to the cycleway:left tag.

Please note that I am talking about a perfectly normal cycle lane on the left side of a dual-carriageway - not contraflow or anything unusual.

Is this also happening in the default rendering layer or just using a specific cycling one? It might be a rendering layer bug.

Cycle lanes are not displayed in OSM default layer, only in cycling ones including “CyclOSM” and "Cycle Map.

Is this issue happening in both of them? If so, might be worth reporting to the rendering maintainers:


Reported issue to both.


Andy Allan responded and confirmed that Open Cycle Map renders cycleway=lane on both sides of a 1-way road or carriageway because it can’t easily determine if a country is drive on the left or drive on the right.

That was my suspicion.

It is likely CyclOSM does the same.

So, mappers need to use cycleway:left or cycleway:right, where necessary, to ensure cycle lanes are rendered correctly.

For dual-carriageway roads, it is mainly an issue when the carriageways are widely separated or at high zoom level.