Tagging whether a pub shows broadcast sports

Is there a convention for tagging whether a pub shows broadcast sports, such as football matches? Reading through the wiki, the only thing I could find was a suggestion about using the tag sports_bar - was that ever adopted?


only thing I could find was a suggestion about using the tag sports_bar - was that ever adopted?

not at a bigger scale :wink:

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Seems awkward to use sports_bar= on =pub , even if it’s common in language. There are a few bar*=sport* and pub=sport* , and 1 theme=sports_bar . That only shows its focus.
It may be possible for something not selling itself as a sports bar to do that. Key:television - OpenStreetMap Wiki is oddly mentioned in =restaurant and =cafe , but not =bar and =pub yet.
As there is live_music= , there are a few live_sport*= . That should be the best.