Tagging for chandlers and similar shops selling bits for boats but not actual boats

I’ve been looking through boating tags recently and I’m a bit confused over the current status of tags for shops that supply bits for boats.

shop=chandler had a line added claiming it was deprecated in 2022. No link to a discussion was provided.

shop=ship_chandler does seem mildly more popular.

A taghistory plot shows the two neck and neck until a sudden increase in =chandler’s july 2017 and a less dramatic fall July 2018.

There is also a duplicate seamark tag because of course there is. Although in this case it actually seems more popular than either of the ‘plain’ tags.

Usage-wise they are both dwarfed by the vague (and rejected) shop=boat.

It appears this was briefly mentioned on the forum in the context of Norwegian tagging, but no resolution was offered.

The only mailing list threads I can see are 2016 for the failed shop=marine proposal:

Was there any appreciable discussion ahead of the 2022 edit to the wiki claiming this tag was deprecated?

Is there any actual consensus on how to tag these?


I see no evidence of a consensus, but I would be happy to have a useful tagging scheme to use.

In my area, there’s a continuous spectrum between marine equipment-only stores and “general stores” with lots of boat equipment. Selling “useful things” means boat things, farm supplies, kitchenware, power tools, and eisenkram.

On that one, I’d expect that to be used for actual shops that “sell boats”, rather than “sell things for boats”. A quick scan finds that 3 of the 5 near me are plausible as that; of the others one needs more details (I don’t remember a boat sales place there but may have missed it) and one is presumably a typo for bench.

Looking at the seamarks in the same area a number are unnamed and perhaps the result of what looks like a very old import. I’m not sure I’d touch some of them with a (chandlers-bought) barge pole :slight_smile:

From the tag itself I’d expect shop=boat to sell boats too. The first shop I thought of that sells boats is actually tagged shop=boat_repair. Maybe it would be better tagged as a boatyard.

I couldn’t see a strong bias either way within the UK when I did a bit of overpass sleuthing (among the chandler specific tags).

Accidentally closed the tab so here’s a new one: Colour coded boat shops.

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Yes - as with similar tags for cars, commercial vehicles and tractors, there’s likely a crossover between these. The nearest example to me (see the website) does a bit of each, but looked (to me walking past) more salesy than anything else.

In any case I suggest to add the common tags for shops (not) selling vehicles and parts for them:

boat:parts = yes
boat:sales = no
boat:repair = ?
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It was one of the many shop types that Mateusz proposed to cleanup.



I’m not sure if boat:parts would really be correct here. I tend to think of them as being for all the things you need for boats that aren’t actually part of the boat, but I can’t say I’ve been in that many of them.

It’s a chandlery in British English.

“Ship chandlery” is wrong. The chandlery at the marina where we moor our little boat does not sell stuff to many ships. You wouldn’t be able to get a ship[1] anywhere near it anyway, the locks are too short.

shop=boat, as others have pointed out, is better suited for a boat dealership, just as shop=car is used for a car dealership.

I’d suggest just reverting the undiscussed 2022 deprecation and tagging it with what it’s called.

  1. Yeah yeah I know, Dunkirk Little Ships etc. ↩︎


I remember commenting negatively at the time. To quote myself there:

For the avoidance of doubt we are NOT talking about meaningless values
here. … We’re actually talking about the “long tail” of shop values - genuine,
perfectly descriptive, perfectly valid values

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That’s my reservation with it. I’m not sure how the big ships handle this stuff these days, but the ones OSM are tagging are mostly for ‘small craft’.

chandlery only appears to be part of a value for shop= 5 examples in the database, mostly as part of a multi-value list.

I’ve removed the line about deprecation of shop=chandler from the wiki.


Was that one of rtfm’s many unilateral changes?

The user account was “Something B wiki”. They appear to have been active for just under three weeks in September 2022.

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I’m not aware that it was. I know that shop=motorcycle was, and had many of the same issues in the data afterwards.

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Thanks, Andy.

I know I mapped one, then got a message from him shortly afterward suggesting that it should it changed to whole gamut of options that he wanted to use for everything.

OK, I don’t know this type of shops. We could use boat:accessories - we already have keys like motorcycle:accessories

Though I suspect they are the same person as User contributions for Something B - OpenStreetMap Wiki who appears to be an endemic wikifiddler.

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