Tagging drinks' prices in pubs / restaurants etc. !?


is it a good or bad idea to try to tag prices of drinks / food from pubs / restaurants ?

Of cause not every item out of their menu, that would be too much.

Are there tags designed for price tagging ?



In my personal opinion OSM is not a good place to store those prices.

And prices change to often.

So I say it is more a bad idea, sorry.

I agree with Stephan, moreover, the prices can change during the day. In some pubs there are ‘happy hours’ when drinks are cheaper than usually. Adding the information about prices will generate many tags that have rather temporary value and overload the database.

If we had stable osm_ids there could be external services for handling fast changing information.

I also say for sure that singe prices don’t belong to the map. But how about a price range? Like inexpensive, moderate, expensive. Always according to local standard. For hotels we have the stars which goes in the same direction. Is there any tag for this?

Good to know the id’s are not stable JRA! Is there any plans to make them stable?