Tag overflow! Where are my tags? Testing requested!

Version 1.05

1. Added the possibility in the User Pois to search for a tag that is within a given distance from another tag.
2. Added e-bike charging
3. Added highway=construction

Reordered some of the other tags to keep everything within one screen.

OpenPoiMap is here: http://openpoimap.org

Version 1.06

You can now zoom in by dragging a rectangle with shift/mouse around the area of your choice.
Also the “search with nominatim” is now just a simple input field without that label. Most people don’t even know what “nominatim” stands for…

The javascript libraries are now compacted which should give faster startup times.

Version 1.08 is online.

Added choices for the note field (in the Various layer) so that you can now search fot notes on a node or and/or notes on a way.

Also minor bug fixes and improvements to the innerworkings have been carried out.

Openpoimap is here: http://openpoimap.org

Version 1.09 is out now.

Added the historic=* tag (excluding memorial/monument/statue which allready had their own selection).
Added the scale in the down-left corner
You can now scroll in the longer layers. Especially amenity and various had so many choices that on smaller screen you couldn’t see the bottom of those lists.

1.26 is out now.

Many more improvements and more poi’s added.
Also the option (View/Edit, see top of screen) to start JOSM/iD/Potlatch 2/OSM inspector, on any screen, without the need to have something selected on the map.

Hotels, could you say sleeping overnight, overnight stay. Hotels is not the categorie name.
Restaurants, sit/eat/drink, gastronomy

Sports, snooker, darts, chess, pinball, all of these kinds.

Some thoughts.