Suurien järvien relaatiot (mm. Saimaa, Pihlajavesi, Haukivesi)

Terve kaikille,

Ensinäkin huomasin että on olemassa ainakin 4 eri Saimaa relaatiota: (hitaat koneet voivat jämähtää!)

Käsittäisin että 3 ylimääräistä voisi poistaa, voisiko joku hoitaa sen?

Pihjalavesi ja Haukivesi ovat jaoteltu eri altaiksi syyttä, pyrin yhdistelemään mutta virheilmoituksia alkoi tulla tiheämmällä tahdilla kun muokkaksia joten ajattelin mainita asiasta täällä.
Sain joitain vuosia sitten Saimaan koottua yhdeksi osaksi eikä tullut näitä virheilmoituksia.

Eli tavoitteena olisi tehdä yksi relaatio per järvi.

Hi Petsamo,

I see you have found the same problem I encountered while rendering
There are 4 Relations:

ID;Number of Members

For me the first one is the right one.

Well I have 2 options if no one of the finish community resolves this issue:
1.) I (silently) filter out 3 Relations prior to rendering the map (no problem, just 3 lines more in an already long list)
2.) I delete 3 Relations and - most likely - start a mapper_war… (I had this situation several times and don’t like it)

What I would ask you - please do not further add members to this relation, its really big and badly effects performance of most tools as it is.
We had the same issue years ago in Canada until someone split these relations - maybe an option for you :wink: ??

Best regards

Conserning Saimaa, they all 4 seems to me to be identical so I think the best option is to delete 3 unnecessary relations.

I’v deleted those dead copys:

However :slight_smile:
Thats not the end of story…

It seems that there are a lot of smaler natural=water relations beneath 7379046
For me someone has combined several relations to 7379046 without deleting the old ones, or someone has made smaler relations not aware that a bigger one already exists.
My Problem is that these relations are so big that OSM-Server kicks me out regulärly cause of “overusage” when I try to check/resolve those problems.

In General: I hope that no one in Finlands mapper community complains that an Austrian works in their habit.

:confused: :frowning:

Hmmm… Lost Lake Pielinen etc. Is this cause of that?