Surveying addresses with OsmAnd

I like to do my surveys with OsmAnd. This works fine for points of interest (they are either present on a map or not), so I either correct or add those. Addresses are tricker - they might be missing or wrong. I can’t figure out how to get OsmAnd to show nearby addresses as clickable points (without having to zoom in manually).

I am looking for suggestions for doing general and address surveys.

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Unfortunately, I can’t help you with OsmAnd specifically, as I don’t use the app to collect data. Instead, I would like to recommend two other apps that are very helpful for collecting data, especially addresses.

The first is StreetComplete (Website - GitHub - Google PlayStore)

The app shows you various tasks in the form of questions, which makes it very easy to enrich OSM data. There are overlays at the top right, including a dedicated address overlay for your application. You can then simply click on the street to select it. Overall, this is probably the simplest app for this application.

The second app is EveryDoor (Website - GitHub - Google PlayStore)

This app is designed even more specifically for “POIs”, in the “Buildings” tab at the bottom you can also add very specific addresses.

Perhaps someone will get in touch who can give you support specifically for OsmAnd, but one of the two apps may also solve your problem - even if you would then have to change the app if you navigate with OsmAnd.


I also use OSMAnd, but mainly for orientation, tracking my bike tours and sometimes for notes.

For creating pois, house numbers and similar things, I also prefer to recommend other apps: StreetComplete, EveryDoor and OSM Go! (the latter only pois, no house numbers)