We invite you to participate in our gender equality survey on @openstreetmap and @OSGeo. The survey is available in English, Spanish and French. It should take no more than 10 minutes.
Might be good to clarify in this forum post exactly who the target for the survey is. Seeing as it’s posted in the US category, it’s only for US people?
Hello, we are sharing on all social media networks during February and March, in order to reach that maximum people. It includes X, Mastodon, Bluesky, Instagram, etc. Actually, after March, Geochicas will close their X account. }
You don’t have to pass through X, you have the Kobotoolbox links in my original post.
Please bear with us and the limitations we can have with Kobo, the limited
amount of time and people we have for our initiatives. We are solving the
language issue in the countries list. But in the meantime, can you just
pick your country in the language that appears? Thanks for your support
Céline Jacquin
Ciudad de México Mexico City | CST / UTC -06:00
I am trying to submit my answers, but it is not letting me.
It is complaining about the country of origin/country of residency not being filled in. No matter what I put there, it keeps telling me “Form contains errors. Please see fields marked in red.” despite those fields being filled in.
EDIT: It didnt allow me to put in “Netherlands” and it did not allow me to select the “…” from the dropdown list. But it did allow me to select other countries in the dropdown list.
Have this at times when filling in a form and than realizing noscript is blocking java for that site or page. The NS icon highlights to me how many are blocked for that page. Allowing will permit if e.g. Netherlands is a valid country.
I can confirm that “Netherlands” is missing from the list of countries.
It is therefore not possible to complete the survey in this case.
This is an error in the survey.
Hi, it’s because the countries list is in Spanish and we are sorry, we have not been able (hands and time) to solve that the name of the country in Spanish is PAISES BAJOS, please select this one.
On behalf of Geochicas, I would like to reiterate the invitation to respond to the OSM and OSGEO Gender Survey, which we will close at the end of March.
We’re counting on you, as this survey will give us a real insight into the global OpenStreetMap community, but only if a large number of us respond!
We also invite you to share it actively in your networks linked to the OpenStreetMap ecosystem.