I’m glad about the former
, and hope we’ll be able to work on the latter, and at least come to understand what the other is trying to say (if not agree on it).
I think I’ve got your point, but I could be wrong. Let us doublecheck then: as I understood you, you seem to think that common usage in everyday speech, or in the specific industry, or at various websites like Wikipedia trumps what is written in tag description on wiki.osm.org. Is that correct summary?
If so, I disagree. How some tag key=value
pair is (supposed to be) used in OSM, is defined on wiki.osm.org.
The key
and value
sometimes might follow (often British) English language, it sometimes might follow specific industrial lingo, or it sometimes might follow common speech in some specific country. But also, often the tag is “invented” and documented by someone whose native language is not English, and/or who does not work in the industry, and/or whose common use of the term differs drastically from the common use in the rest of the world.
They, however, have documented that tag with descriptions and pictures to the best of their ability on wiki.osm.org – and that, in my opinion, is what that specific tag means in OSM. That is what the next user that wants to map it will see on the wiki.osm.org, and if they think that description fits, that is the tag they will use. The point is not to make largest British-English-speaking map. The point to make the best map of the World, usable by whole World. For that, we all need to agree to the meaning of the tags, no matter what language we happen to speak natively. That is what description of tags is for on wiki.osm.org.
Now, that does not mean that wiki.osm.org (as you nicely put it) is the “source of ultimate knowledge and truth”. It most definitely isn’t that. Neither is it Definitive dictionary of British English (quite the contrary). It is, however, source of what that some specific key=value
pair means in OSM (and nowhere else).
Sure, sometimes that definition (as you also note) could be simple, precise and clear (like I happen to think that surface=pebblestone is). Or it may (especially when people decide to forego “boring” Proposal process) be unclear, vague, and overreaching (like surface=gravel is, which it even warns about: “This tag has very large meaning range” and later details in Tag history
Now, what I would like you to do is an though experiment, if you will. (click to expand)
Imagine that you don’t speak a word of English (like the majority of the world doesn’t). Even better, imagine that the key=value
OSM pairs are in some totally incomprehensible format to you - you know it is unique and can copy/paste it, but do not understand it at all. So instead of surface=pebblestone
it says foobar=Q3311731
. Then you use your computer to fetch you the meaning of foobar=Q3311731
from wiki.osm.org, and it says to you that is used for:
“Pebbles are stones rounded by waves or river flow. Typical size range from 2 to 8 cm. Describing a surface in OSM they are loosely arranged. Like gravel pebbles can be used as a building part of compacted.”
You decide that explains your situation clearly, and so you decide to add tag foobar=Q3311731
to your highway=track
OSM way. That is how OSM tags work tehnically, and this is how (in my opinion) they should be used. That is the way how multiple contributors may agree they are talking about the same thing.
If you, however, decide not to read nor heed wiki.osm.org tag description, but instead decide for yourself “Sure I know what pebblestone is, I’ve been doing them for 30 years, I need not read no stinkin’ wiki – those are 1mm wide rocks which are always rose in color with no other distinguishable characteristic” (just a vivid example
, no offense meant, please) then the next user perhaps from another country which comes will say “I know what surface=pebblestone means in my country, I don’t need to read the wiki OSM tag definition, pebbles are 10+cm big pieces of broken green beer-bottle glass rounded by the sea”.
Now, each you might be perfectly correct where you live. And there be millions of each of you. But since you all decided to ignore what that tag actually defined it means in OSM, you will not have common ground, and will disagree about the meaning of the tag. The end result would be that surface=pebblestone
would become useless worldwide - it would simply become synonym for surface=unpaved
, as no better common definition could be found, each side citing their own dictionaries, their own industry, and their own common usages in their country.
If you’ve went through the experiment above, you’d see that you’re questioning the wrong value. surface=pebblestone
is very clearly defined. That fact that in your experience the pebblestones are in more vivid colors is irrelevant to the wiki definition (and thus, what surface=pebblestone
means in the OSM).
Sure, I agree with you there are wiki pages with issues like unclear definitions, which should be discussed, and subsequently documented as best as possible (even if it just means pointing out all the unclear and different definitions). One of such sad tags is surface=gravel
. You may be sure that you know what it means without looking up the wiki, and I may be sure I know what it means without looking up the wiki. What is mostly likely result is however that we’d both be wrong.
Sometimes, when many people have been mapping for long time what they assumed without ACTUALLY reading the wiki, result is the tag that has very very wide meaning, which is bad (for hopefully obvious reasons). That is what I’m afraid has happened to for example surface=gravel
by now. It seems to have been mapped for anything from surface=compacted
, via surface=pebblestone
via surface=fine_gravel
to surface=concrete
. So, if you find that tag on the map the best you can guess it means is likely some type of surface=unpaved
which is not surface=dirt/grass
. That is pretty vague (and thus bad for tag whose purpose is to make something more precisely defined).
If you however find it in real life, what you can do is replace it with better defined tags (like e.g. surface=pebblestone
or surface=compacted
as these ones are not colorfull, shiny and otherwise attractive but simply dull and grey as you can find them in any gravel pit I’d say it’s gravel
And this is the core of the problem, IMHO. You assumed (from your real-world experience) that something needs to be shiny and colorful to be be called “pebblestone”, and since those rocks in picture are grey, that they are thus not surface=pebblestone
. Yet, had you actually read surface=pebblestone OSM wiki, you’d see that those should in fact be tagged as surface=pebblestone
in OSM, and that shineyness and color have absolutely nothing to do with that tag.
In other words, OSM definition of surface=pebblestone
key-value pair is quite different from your construction-worker-definition of Pebblestone surface
. People should learn to use correct definition in correct situation, and not intermix them at random.