Support for addr:place tag in Address field in id-Editor is being added

This update is coming in the next version of id-editor and this is done country-by-country. The latest source code is here and there is no “ee” in it - iD/address_formats.json at develop · openstreetmap/iD · GitHub

Is is something that we would like to have for Estonia as well? This would mean easier editing for all our vkt’s like this one Way: 213187559 | OpenStreetMap

Or we would consider that all vkt’s have been added, new ones are added not often and this option would only lower data quality?

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I think it would be useful. Since it prefers streets to places I don’t think it will lead to people adding places without understanding what it is.

Since it uses the same field for both street and place, it means you won’t be able to add both. As I understand it’s not forbidden to have both street and väikekoht.

I didn’t find any correct use of place and street together through quick overpass search, so in the end I’m in favour of adding Estonia to this PR.

As I understand, for configured countries this user interface change in iD-Editor simply lists nearby addr:street and addr:place values, just as it today lists nearby addr:street values. Just a question of convenience.

The only issue is that users have to know that normally they must choose addr:street from selectbox and only for selected väikekoht | vkt | garaažiühistu they must select addr:place

There actually is a test inteface available - iD

If this gets pushed to live, then it will be a mess:

  • select the same addr:place=Puraviku väikekoht + addr:housenumber=99 + addr:city=Aespa alevik (Way: 213187559 | OpenStreetMap)
  • UI lists correctly “Puraviku väikekoht” in the address field (in current version it is empty)
  • if you for testing select some street, then addr:street value is set
  • however the selectbox does not show any more “Puraviku väikekoht” in the list (and that is wrong)
  • and selectbox shows “Maidla küla”, “Aespa alevik” in the list (and that is wrong) - if you select them, then there will be a mess: addr:place=Maidla küla + addr:housenumber=99 + addr:city=Aespa alevik
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The only issue is that users have to know that normally they must choose addr:street from selectbox and only for selected väikekoht | vkt | garaažiühistu they must select addr:place

I don’t think many would select väikekoht by mistake. And selecting a street by mistake when place should be used is possible now anyway.

If this gets pushed to live, then it will be a mess:

Maybe in some countries putting admin boundaries as place suggestions is useful. But as I understand in Estonia suggestions for place can only be pulled from other nearby addresses.

I think if it would be implemented this way, then it would be useful.

In my example there are a lot of “addr:place=Puraviku väikekoht” buildings around, but it is not suggested in the selectbox. If it would be suggested then it would be useful.

OSM idEditor version 2.26.0 is in production now.

And the error I mentioned above is also live now - when building has addr:place and you change it to addr:street, then the selectbox does not offer the choice to select the addr:place any more (it lists only nearby addr:street + addr:city values, whereas the later is totally wrong in that list).

But we have this monthly updater now (ADS address import for Estonian buildings - #3 by dgmapping) and if mistakes happen, they will be automatically fixed soon.

Small note: updater is by dgmapping.

Of course it is :blush:

Fixed the link. This seems to be a small UI issue in Discourse - you have to scroll well past the beginning of reply to get the correct url that refers to the right point in thread.