StateOfTheMap Europe in Belgien


Dieses Jahr findet eine StateOfThe Map in Antwerpen (Belgien) statt!
Vom 10. bis 12 November 2023 !

Es werden Besucher gesucht, aber auch Mithelfer bei der Programmgestaltung oder Sponsoren.

Wer Interesse an einer Mitarbeit hat, bitte direkt bei melden.


There will be no international State of the Map this year,
and the next one is very unlikely to be held in Europe.
That’s why we’re organizing a State of the Map Europe this year.
As you may have seen already, it will be in Antwerp, Nov 10-12.

We would really like to have some help with that:

can you help spread the word to your local communities, so that
they mark their agendas and perhaps send in proposals for talks?
By all means, register for updates at

would you like to help us define the program? This means just giving
feedback on the proposals we recieve, and perhaps participate in a few
meetings to help decide

can you give us suggestions of organizations, and preferably people,
that could potentially sponsor the event?
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