Spain: Spike in usage of `cycleway=shared` in 2022-11

Hey! I am looking into deprecating cycleway=shared (not shared_lane!). Spain is the only country that has a spike in usage of the tag in recent years from about 80km in 2022-07 to 270 in 2022-11.



I could not find anything about an import in the import documentation list in that timeframe for spain.

Does anyone remember what happened?

Is this a valid usage of the tag? – The spanish wiki on this tag translated the same as the other languages which does not suggest to use the tag.

hi @tordans, according to overpass turbo this tag is used a lot in my area (valencia). But randomly checking some ways it seems the tag has been added way earlier than the spike in winter 2022.

I guess if the wiki discourages the tag, then it is not really valid ^^"

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after some investigation it could be that user MacLondon changed a lot of cycleway=shared_lane to =shared in Barcelona on the 30.10.2022

example: Way: ‪Rambla de Catalunya‬ (‪240299472‬) | OpenStreetMap
overpass query: Way: ‪Rambla de Catalunya‬ (‪240299472‬) | OpenStreetMap

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Yes, I found that out just now as well:



The smaller increase was in Cantabria shortly before.

Ohsome can also show stats per hour and that way you can find that at 2022-10-30 the majority of the changes were done.

By downloading the daily diff for that day (701.osc.gz) you can find that that day likely[*] > 900 times cycleway=shared was added:

> zgrep 'k="cycleway" v="shared"' ~/Downloads/701.osc.gz | wc
    972    2916   35964

In the file you can find also the changeset and the user.

NB: Good to spend some effort to clean this up.

[*] the diff shows also ways that had already cycleway=shared and were otherwise modified but likely this number is small.

I looked into one street just now to have an example for my first draft of the deprecation proposal Proposal:Deprecate cycleway=shared - OpenStreetMap Wiki and I wonder what the best tagging in this case would be: Way: ‪Carrer de Mejía Lequerica‬ (‪238052318‬) | OpenStreetMap
=> Google Streetview

Is this…

  • a cycleway=shared_lane with lanes=1? Or
  • a highway=* with bicycle_raod=yes?
    (Does Spain have the concept of a bicycle road?)

In any case, since there is an explicit pictogram, it should be easy to clarify that this is no use case for cycleway=shared.

Not in the german sense like bicycle_road. What we have (in some cities) are streets with a single lane and maximum speed of 30 where bicycles have preference and motor vehicles can still circulate. These are marked with signs or paint. They are mostly tagged (at least in Valencia) with cyclestreet=yes.

Please don’t use Google Streetview as their license is not compatible with OSM. You can try Mapillary or another allowed source.

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Yes, it is a cycleway=shared_lane with lanes=1. In València, all of them are like this one.

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I started the RFC to deprecate this tagging at [RFC] Feature Proposal - Deprecate cycleway=shared
Please have a look if that works for you and the cases we discussed here. Thanks.

Has anyone written to him to ask for an explanation of this undiscussed mass edi ?

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at least not me, since i don’t live there anymore. maybe someone from the local community could do that

I copied the link to this forum thread to share it in the instant messaging group for Valencia. Let see if anyone could help.

I checked it and I can tell you that we cleaned up every “cycleway=shared” tag some weeks ago in Comunitat Valenciana.