Solved versus Accepted for Help topics

The old OSM Help software allowed the original poster of a question to “ACCEPT” an answer, whereas here on Discourse it seems that an original poster chooses to regard an answer as making the query “SOLVED”. When a thread is marked as solved, further posting is discouraged.

The use of “SOLVED” works fine for many types of problems: How do I get my osm2pgsql config to work? What tag should I use for X?" However, I think in other cases it rather misrepresents the actual discussion in a thread, unless the initial query has a quite clear answer (usually this means the query is closed rather than open). It is not unusual to have two or more good answers to a query and the old postiive/negative voting system supported this well.

I would prefer, if possible, that we revert to “ACCEPTED” or, perhaps better allow both choices as this forum is likely to have a lot more questions along technical or purely practical lines.

I suspect that the jury’s still out on whether Discourse can in the long term replace the help site at all. Right now it doesn’t have voting (apparently we’re waiting development of a plugin) and it doesn’t have any meaningful form of comments. We can’t even get the “+1” icon to display properly.

(see numerous other threads here here for discussion of the issues above)

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Hi @SK53

Thanks for the suggestion.

We currently rely on the Discourse Solved plugin that in its current form doesn’t allow that kind of modification. This might be a good thing to suggest to the plugin authors as a feature request:


This should be handled by the new topic voting plugin that is now live in new topic on the support categories.