[Solved] Slightly OT: wanted: raw ballot data of the 2022 board election

Hi there, folks,
I have a slightly Off Topic wish: has anybody saved the actual ballots of the 2022 board elections?

I am developing a spreadsheet tool in Calc for this purpose and I wanted to check it with actual, validated data. The elections were quite elaborate with several rounds of elimination and transfers and hence they give a better check than the example data on the website of opavote.

OSMF uses https://www.opavote.com/ for the board election. For a limited amount of time after the election, the results of the election are published on their webpage and the raw data can be downloaded. (They purge old elections from their site after a while.)

The results and the summary can be found here: https://osmfoundation.org/wiki/Annual_General_Meetings/2022/Election_to_Board

May be someone was curious enough to save it. Help would greatly be appreciated.

Cheers, Sakudo