Solar panels over water

Solar panels over water are still not rendered on top of the water despite using layer=1 tag - see topic on old help.osm or an example on osm map. If the OSM Carto freaks could find some time and have a look ?! :wink:

I think this is probably the same as this issue which I’ve just commented on.

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As already mentioned in the first link here, layer doesn’t work in this way - it can only sort things that are rendered together. Especially where a lot of things are being rendered, as in OSM Carto, there are multiple layers of rendering.
Power plants/generators are rendered early alongside other landuses, and so floating solar generators will be overridden by water layer.

This is the relevant issue.

Here is a solar farm that does get rendered on top of the water: Way: ‪Zonnepark Kloosterhaar‬ (‪915205866‬) | OpenStreetMap

Current screenshot:

Screenshot of the Carto rendering of the solar farm “Zonnepark Kloosterhaar”. The purple area for the solar farm is rendered on top of the blue area of the lake it is on.

Maybe the floating=yes makes a difference?

The reason this solar farm renders is because its an inner of the water relation. This implies there is no water underneath the solar farm though, so this is a bit questionable.