Small bandwidth RSS feeds

Hello, i have created smaller versions of the RSS feeds from This means, the number of articles in the feed is reduced from 10 to 1 and all images are replaced with a text representation.

At the moment there are the feeds for de, en, es, pt, ja, fr, cz, it, ko, pl, br, ru, tr, uk, zh available to subscribe to.

You can find all the feed links also here:

More details on the minification of the original feeds are written in my blog post. If there is any issue with any of the feeds, please report it here or in the repository.


From the blog post:

  • Flags of the OSM calendar events are replaced with emoticons.
  • Language indicator icons for the translation links are replaced by text links with the language code.

I have often wondered why the original feed doesn’t do this as well. Not only it makes things more accessible (and lightweight), but it avoids the issues with images being rendered inconsistently in feed readers.

For example, the mobile app that I use shows images always as block elements by default (instead of inline), unless I switch to what they call the “web view”; this usually doesn’t cause any issues with most RSS feeds I follow, but weeklyOSM is quite inconvenient to read because of this:

Original feed (web) Minified feed (web)

Is anyone involved with the weeklyOSM team aware of the reason behind the choice of using images?

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